Getting old? Have you ever thought about it????

TGR":1qij41iz said:
hey Chopper,

Have you thought why you drive like that now? That is what i am getting at.

I know, perhaps, in your circumstances, the reason for speed reduction but maybe there is more?

Hope you are keeping well,

You're right. Some of it is the realisation that getting to work in a hurry Kenya good thing. Some of it is I no longer suffer the atavistic desire to dominate other people. Some of it is the cost of motoring. But an element is undoubtedly again induced cowardice.

An I'm very well thanks mate.
I am a man-child, simple as that. 41 next month - where has the time gone?

If I had the room, the Lego would be out of the loft

As an electronic music fan, some of it is ageless, some very very dated but a few recent and pending purchases have been: ... ancing-joe ... -elephants

I wouldnt have heard these if I didnt listen to Radio 1 at least on a Friday when it all goes Pete Tong

Blonde hair hides the greys (actually, white!) hairs, no beergut as yet although it was near miss in May.

No kids, the thought of points and a fine keeps the speeds down plus driving is part of my job so some adult common sense prevails.

In a previous post, getting old is like being a teenager all over again - no-one understands your humour, music etc

I am also inspired by a good friend, now in his 60's who is simply ageless.
I am still pondering ...

One thought occurred to me, a few years ago (at least 9), I was in my pub and a friend walked in who I had not seen in a long time. He looked tired and a lot older then when I had seen him previously - somewhat haggard. We had a conversation and I discovered that he had two kids under 3 years old - hence why I had not seen him about. I remember thinking to myself - **** - is that what kids do to you? The thought of that evening still haunts me and I wonder if people are saying that about me.

None of us is getting any younger - even Carol V looks a little older now (sorry Chopper!) As the Stranglers said 'No More Heroes' - my childhood/youth heroes (so-called heroes) are almost all dead - motorbike racers and musicians etc.

Is this thread depressing?

No it's not depressing.

As Talk Talk once sang, "life's what you make it".

Responsibilities and circumstances come and go, it's down to the individual on how they want to live their life.

Personally, it's down to values and what I'd like to leave, legacy wise, coupled with taking the opportunities and making the best of things. Personal satisfaction.

That means, keeping a close eye and connection with what's going in the world, trends, the lot. You have to move with the times, keep the mind fresh, thinking, challenging. Music is my "connection" to what's new, what's old, what's changing, what's good, what's bad, what's indifferent. From that, all sorts of things spin and connect; language, the "yoof of today", clothes, arts, media, entertainment, life, love and the universe.

I'd rather have an idea of what's going on that not; I certainly don't want to be like the fuddy twat on BBC news this morning who pronounced YOLO as "yo-low". At the same time, I'm not going to be one of those try-hard 40/50 something's trying to act 21.

And before anyone says, yeah well, you under 40 (37) and don't have kids, that maybe true but keeping true to yourself is vitally important. Sure, if I'm lucky enough to have a papoy then naturally priorities shift, but again, I'd like to be "me" when they grow up, not some beat-down Dad who's tired of life. What sort of impression would that give? It helps that my old man has that "young at heart" aspect, with a balance of realism - I mean we're currently discussing Chase and Status and Flying Louts' latest release and he's 68 this October.

What does all this mean? Not much, just enjoy life and make it count. And Radio 1 has been shit for years, even the kids rarely listen to it these days. It's all about Radio 2, 6, the multitude of internet specialist stations and streaming services ;)

Im 42 and some of the oldest people Ive ever known were in their 20s.You know that your old not because of musical tastes,clothes etc but when you`ve accepted that you are old.
Some of me wonders what is so horrendous about the notion of "getting old".

Don't get me wrong, I get that most don't grow up aspiring just to be old, but it's all rather inevitable. Thinking back to being "young" isn't all sunny summers, and eternal youth - it's somewhat blighted by immaturity, self-centredness, and belief of infallibility and knowing all, whilst usually sprinkled with a bit of insecurity.

I think if you look at your life, and think it's all over, 'cos you're no longer young and your best years are behind you - well it may seem that aging is an awful thing - but that's not how I see life.

As to the kids thing - yes, yes it does - young kids do kind of "wreck" your life, well at least in terms of what it was, and for those early years. But then they reward in different ways, and it's not like whatever you had is gone for good.

I think a lot of this debate is rather predestined with a sort of "old==bad" "young==good" concept - but it doesn't have to be that way, and often, seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
TGR":1r2i5iie said:
I am still pondering ...

One thought occurred to me, a few years ago (at least 9), I was in my pub and a friend walked in who I had not seen in a long time. He looked tired and a lot older then when I had seen him previously - somewhat haggard. We had a conversation and I discovered that he had two kids under 3 years old - hence why I had not seen him about. I remember thinking to myself - **** - is that what kids do to you? The thought of that evening still haunts me and I wonder if people are saying that about me.
i'd argue entirely to the contrary. We had kids later in life - I was 39 when No.2 came along. All through my 40's they kept me young. I could go to the park and get on the swings or hang from the climbing frame or go on bouncy castles. They are teenagers now, I'm in my early 50's and I'm still compelled to act daft with them, or play pranks on them or wrestle in the house. Eldest is 15 next month, as tall as me, thicker arms and shaves. He's probably stronger than me when we wrestle in the living room, but doesn't know it and I'm clinging on hoping he don't find out cos I'll be fooked.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I probably look my age. People who know me, but don't know my age are surprised I'm as old as I am, not because of looks, but because of my young outlook and way I run my life.

And (this may not sit well with some) but splitting with the ex Mrs 5 years ago rejuvenated me. Its all too easy to become part of a lifeless humdrum relationship

When one by one your pets die, then your parents die you start to think...maybe I should have kept that food in the fridge :D

When you start to think about your own mortality then you start to form a new attitude to life, it can of course go either way, it is after all up to you.

60 years, 55kgs, 19.5BMI, I am gettin' up the hill before you :D
Re: Re:

t47b":eoi9lb2i said:
When one by one your pets die, then your parents die you start to think...maybe I should have kept that food in the fridge :D

When you start to think about your own mortality then you start to form a new attitude to life, it can of course go either way, it is after all up to you.

60 years, 55kgs, 19.5BMI, I am gettin' up the hill before you :D

Jesus, kill me now.

48 years 110kgs 30BMI 43BPM :mrgreen:
Re: Re:

The History Man":20m436r2 said:
t47b":20m436r2 said:
When one by one your pets die, then your parents die you start to think...maybe I should have kept that food in the fridge :D

When you start to think about your own mortality then you start to form a new attitude to life, it can of course go either way, it is after all up to you.

60 years, 55kgs, 19.5BMI, I am gettin' up the hill before you :D

Jesus, kill me now.

48 years 110kgs 30BMI 43BPM :mrgreen:

You should catch me up on the downhill ;)