Getting old? Have you ever thought about it????


I should add that I too have never had children , I'm happy with that . I would be worried about them all the time . It would severely hamper my ability to buy tat these days too as I'd be skint . I would also retire if I won the lottery , but I gave up on doing that too


The worry is a killer and i dread to think how my parents worried about me ............... I was not a good child! LOL

TGR":82c2a19d said:

The worry is a killer and i dread to think how my parents worried about me ............... I was not a good child! LOL


My parents still worry about me ! And I was a good - if only - child

Bedtime for an old codger like me,

I will ponder my ageing in my dreams.

You will note i have not mentioned mortality ... now that scares the sh1t out of me.


Blimey, you're all moaning about getting old and none of you are yet 50. You haven't a clue what's in store1 :twisted:

I'm getting me bunion sorted next month. That's a genuine oldie's operation. The sort you can discuss at the Darbie and Joan...
Pah, babies the lot of ya! :LOL: Oh, and Kaz, I have never had a responsible bone in my body and I'm not about to start now :twisted:

Long ear hair and nasal hair but no head hair is another notification of the ageing process.

Ha ha! Nope! :LOL:

At 56 I can honestly say I wouldn't trade experience for youth at all. Sure, I don't know Radio 1's playlist (but then neither do my 20-something sons). Old age freakin' rocks \m/ . . . bring it! :twisted:
cant say i have ,,,its natural,,dont worry about what i cant change and thats a lot,,lifes short enjoy yourself want what you have not what you havnt got,,you get older you have more things on your plate life brings new adventures you wins some , and you loose some :LOL: :LOL: my attitude has changed as ive got older but i cant say i worry any more due to it as ive aged,,,,,,,,be honest just sitting here thinking about getting old now :? hope im healthy and happy when i get there have to wait and see life is great, but im not going to waste time worrying about it :D :D :D any way xmas is coming,,,, :xmas-big-grin: :xmas-big-grin: :xmas-big-grin: :xmas-big-grin: :xmas-big-grin:

In the words of the great Billy Connolly : "By all means grow old, but don’t grow up."

I'm still not too sure if I'll ever get old. Long way to go and lots that can go wrong. I'll deal with it when I get there.