Getting old? Have you ever thought about it????

Age is on the inside. I don't know who the old guy I see in shop windows is.

Got children, got a mortgage, got sensible. Responsibility, mortality. Easier to be reminded of both when you're listening.

I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.

I also have less responsibility and more freedom now than any time in the last twenty years. And all I want is simple pleasures, a few less aches and to know life will continue.
46 presently. Yes I have stopped riding at silly speeds. Kind of did a long time ago though. Now and then have a little fizz though. Hair never an issue in my family, a long history of hairys, and not yet noticing any real increase in the nose or ears, but my wife plucks them out of my ears so who knows really? Only thing I have noticed is my eyebrows getting a little wiry. I quite like the look though, very owl like.

The big thing hitting us now is whether we should breed more.

Not because there is any looming deadline, but because I don't want to be seventy running around after a teenager making sure they are safe. I am already past competing at football or such with a teen!

I spent the day with one of my wife's best friends. She is 35 and desperate to 'do something' with her life.

One thing I was able to assure her was that she already had, and things don't really need to change for her to be happy; she just needs to appreciate what she has achieved and who she is. That is something age does indeed lend you, appreciation that you are here and alive, healthy(-ish) and still have potential to make your life what you need it to be, rather than idealize it to become.

Oh, and the check out assistant laughed herself silly when I swore earlier tonight. The only reason I can imagine is that I am an 'oldie', though everyone keeps telling me I look no more than mid thirties.

Yeah! Like I would believe that.
Hi Mr History,

I was wondering when you would appear! LOL

So, going by your logic, you are young, you get older, responsibility grows, then you grow younger again when responsibility diminishes?

Have i got that right?


You said you were an oldie but you are 46, hmmmmmm - maybe you agree i am old? (bugger!) LOL

The motorbike speed thing gets scarier when you know mates who get wrecked - and i am sure you know this.

That is exactly what it is. Not that I should have taken so long to calm down, I had plenty friends get wiped out back in the 80s.

When I was young 46 seemed ancient of course, now I am here I see seventy are relatively young!

Roll on 50!
Who are we responsible for? What are responsibilities?

Possibly, at least until they become fully formed contributing adults. The children that is. Both at university, making their own mistakes. Needing a little help but not wanting to be reliant. Money is immaterial. I have enough to be comfortable. Warmth, sustenance, shelter, toys. No real vices. No credit cards or debt other than overdraft and mortgage.

They will need more help once they have to really live. But will they be my 'responsibility'?

All good here. Just divorced the mother in law last week. Maybe that's the answer! Now for that, I was responsible. Meant a night in the car but it was worth it.

Another 46 year old here .

Iv'e certainly become cynical about new things , putting it down to the older/wiser thing mentioned earlier . What's wrong with having a phone to call people , and a camera to take pictures . :? One of my workmates recently got the latest upgrade Samsung phone . It's a pockets worth . And with a glass screen . What could possibly go wrong :roll:
The older I get , the more I look at older music . Was in a mid '90s phase for a few years , now going back to some '80s Texas blues at the moment . Then I'll get more into trying some Hendrix out , 'til my fingers get too sore
Certainly drive slower . There's no rush really , I'll get there when I get there . Did the speed thing on a motorbike . Corners are boring in a car , so no thrill in driving for me .
Feel happy these days if I wake up without backache :roll: stop sniggering at the back ! :LOL: :LOL:


Divorced the mother in law ? :shock: You do things weird in the Cotswolds

Re: Re:

kermitgreenkona88":2ngj8g3k said:
Although saying all that I felt very old the other day when I realized that I had no idea of any music that is in the charts right now and that I have had no idea for about 2 years :facepalm: :oops:

Me neither - I haven't listened to Radio 1 for the best part of a decade. Although I am an avid BBC 6 Music fan, meaning that I'm discovering new but not always particularly mainstream bands all the time (t'internet helps in that regard as well), as well as re-discovering some of the old stuff.

This autumn is my last season racing CX as a Senior - it's the big 40 for me next year! No major signs of slowing down just yet, although I'm not much of a daredevil descender on the road bike these days - a nasty accident about 8 years ago, plus some near misses with the dreaded "speed wobble", has made me far more cautious on the downhill stretches. :(

All very interesting and, unlike my usual wandering thread stance, but can we try and keep to why the change in attitude - i am interested in why we change and, perhaps, knowing why will give me a reason to change my over-protective attitude to my daughter and risk - and then MAYBE i might feel younger.

Does that make any sense?


p.s. the grammar above is poor and i know it!