Friday night is nightride night!


ok guys, weather looking ok for friday.

what time suits, thinking 6.30-6.45ish ? just meet in the bottom carpark or drive up to buzzards nest ?

2 lads from work coming as well, think they are gonna do a couple of runs round the blue, so we can do that or do the red.
The middle car park Red Squirrel/Go Ape is the traditional night-ride one... Means you can do the final blue descent without having to howk yourself back up to Buzzards Nest at the end.
ZZ - looks like its just Marcus, me and you (poss Gmac).

marcus disna fancy the red in the dark which prob suits me as well. Thinking will take the fatbike and we can do 2 tours of the blue for some fun fun fun.

or if yer no scared o the dark feel free to do the red lol (or G can keep you company if he makes it).

sound ok to you ?

Thought I'd be up for this but still too sair. Dunted my sair bit with the bog door handle, oooh ya bassa.
Batteries were charged and everything but I'm not taking chance of hitting it again.

Looks like a good night for it too. Enjoy yersels.