Freewheel "race" nostalgia


Dirt Disciple
In my youth, at the end of the season after the hill climbs were over, my club would have fun day of a ride ending up at the top of a long hill. Each rider would then have a pedal crank tied to a chainstay with wool (so it would break if necessary) and would be released, one at a time down the hill. The rider freewheeling the furthest would win.

I recall one such event at Tormarton near Bath, where there was a slight rise towards the end. Riders with enough momentum could clear it and gain another 1/4 mile. The bad news was that on this rise there was a roadside bungalow with a rather aggressive dog which could sometime get out. The temptation to pedal was strong, to say the least!

Do clubs still do this nowadays?
No idea if clubs still do it - both my grandparents were keen cyclists, meeting each other through the NCU in the early 1950s. Grandmother told a story of her frequently being the club freewheel champion on a ladies BSA. Some great memories!