Found a fork :) 1997 Marzocchi Super T


Senior Retro Guru
Found a pretty cool fork I would have never expected to find locally.... The "Scott" frame piqued my curiosity, I was pretty certain it was not a Scott, quickly found out it was a Marin. I'd been looking for an older dual suspension frame with canti studs just in case another vintage Enduro race was available this season. I raced last season on a MountainCycle Moho STS, and although fun, I needed some rear suspension in a bad way & a little more than 80mm up front, double that would have been great. The trails weren't horrible, but racing balls out on rough Blue's takes a lot out of a guy.
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When I saw the fork, I was stumped. I've been a die hard fan of this fork brand for a few decades and have had a chance to rebuild just about all of the high end offerings from 97 on up. 20231104_215536.webp
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Found a pretty cool fork I would have never expected to find locally.... The "Scott" frame piqued my curiosity, I was pretty certain it was not a Scott, quickly found out it was a Marin. I'd been looking for an older dual suspension frame with canti studs just in case another vintage Enduro race was available this season. I raced on last season on a MountainCycle Moho STS, and although fun, I needed some rear suspension in a bad way & a little more than 80mm up front. The trails weren't horrible, but racing balls out on rough Blue's takes a lot out of a guy.
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Interesting why you would decal up a Marin as a Scott. Do those tyres happen to be 2.1 Mythos XC's and are they available?! 😄
No idea. The frame was repainted at some point, maybe Scott decals were the only one's laying around. The tires are IRC Kujo DH 2.35 DH, and the sidewalls are VERY chalky and dry. Rideable, but I not in great condition.
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I might have just the tires for you. They are Maxxis Minion DH 26X2.5 with skinwalls. Does the frame fit tires that wide? I'm in the U.S. so shipping isn't a problem if you are interested.
No need for tires just yet. Looks like they are skipping the vintage class this year at the Enduro race. I stripped the frame just for fun, and it's hanging in my friends shop along with a few others for storage. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of room for bike storage, I have to keep the herd a handful at a time, otherwise too much spill over into the working spaces.


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