First DOGS BOLX produced...ex Dave Hemming?

"The reality is that this is a tired Dogs BOLX frame (although still a work of art under the paint!) and the obvious option for the next owner is to do a Dave Hemming build. The problem is that Dave Hemming’s former ownership doesn’t really add much/any value. He just isn’t a legend like Jason McRoy (JMC)"

A pretty self-conceited write-up that. Or perhaps the author is eaten up with jealously that current owner has picked it up for a steal, and now selling on perhaps under circumstance.
Good on him for spotting it, and can ask the going rate for something that is this unique, as a piece of Uk Mtb history. Something like this would be a star-feature in a MTB museum.

It looks in good shape, despite some aging, and deserves proper looking after. Personally I'd love to buy this if I had funds.

MikeC":7gudl5wh said:
Ha, Google just found this for me ... -for-sale/

It appears he wanted to sell it back in Jan 2019 on here - viewtopic.php?f=78&t=393879

Indeed, and as far as I am aware steel doesn't get tired. It seemed like an odd comment.

I'd also love it...but can't justify £1,500!
That’s the best DB of the 4 floating about on eBay at the minute, but in my opinion some of the asking prices are ambitious in the current climate. As nice as they are, there’s not a lot of people with the appetite to spend over a grand on a 30 year old steal 26 inch MTB.

Sadly vendors are seeing the £££ rather that the value of these bikes as part of a (dwindling) community, passing them on and leaving something in it for the next guy.

The reality of these ex-racer one-off bikes is that they are a burden: this is a great frame by a top builder with paint by a top MTB artist: but only a few hundred people understand that.

Within that few hundred, How many are going to want to pay >1k to rag it round their local trails, get overtaken, and then mop it down afterwards?

A few more might like to own it for its niche historic connotations and hang it on the wall: but they will also be aware that its value won’t go up in that state (the fan base is dwindling, let’s face it), and more-to-the-point, the bragging value within the small group that understand its worth is limited: it’s already been discovered and resold.

So, what about the original owner: would he pony up 10 hundred to get his old office back? I suspect not: what do you do with it? Going on Retrobike to say, “I bought my bike back” prolly won’t impress the kids.

So who is left? About 80 middle aged men who would love to own, fettle and occasionally ride it, and also need to keep an eye on the incomings and outgoings.

To tempt this bunch, if I were the seller, I’d strip it to the ‘iconic’ frame (and forks as it saves so much hassle), auction those @ 99p start price, and then sell all the components separately.

Then, the new owner will have the fun and kudos of a new build thread, and the vendor will still make a lot more than he paid for it.

yup agreed and i actally agree with the website alos

i good mate bought tinker juerez cannondale with his name etched in the seriel number. i thought it was cool , no one else had a clue and its been in the loft ever since.

As we all probably know, there are a handful of DBs on eBay at the minute - all of which have been sitting for several weeks each at sizeable BINs - including a certain heavily debated frame..

I’d love a DB but the BINs not being hit is a sign that supply and demand hasn’t exactly reached equilibrium! More simply us 80-odd middle aged men (I’m 41, so I hope to barely qualify for that description!) don’t value them as high as some of the US stuff (harlequin Fat, anyone?).

Would I pay more for a frame with some history? Well.. In every other collector-based hobby out there, providence does tend to trade at a premium. Cars, watches etc..

Hemming was a big deal in the UK at the time - at least in the pages of MBUK. Mint Sauce is burned into the brain of anyone that ever rode a mountain bike in anger in the UK.

On balance I would pay a premium for the frame. The parts I care less about. The issue is that DB sellers are all pricing frames above what the market will accept. None are trading. Makes it hard to call what this thing is worth.