Fife and Tayside rides thread


It was supposed to turn a bit damp today but it didn't till night time and I reckon it'll do the same ra'morra SO you faggot's get oot on yer bikes :mrgreen:

Well, I said I wasn't gonnae be there because I didn't think I'd get my car re-tested before Monday but I'm still no comin', it's gonnae be wet in the mornin' so hoping to get out with my family in the afternoon. As soon as my oldest surfaces from her hangover :facepalm: anyway. She's going to a ceilidh for a friend's 21st so drink will be taken. Let's hope she's got mair sense than me at that age. :oops:
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old_coyote_pedaller":3amvzs26 said:
Let's hope she's got mair sense than me . . . . . period! :mrgreen:

Just keep yer fingers crossed she doesn't touch the white man's fire water then starts shooting up the reservation.
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RobMac":2faxohqh said:
old_coyote_pedaller":2faxohqh said:
I'm still no comin', it's gonnae be wet in the mornin'
The only way its gonna be wet in the mornin is if you wet the bed :mrgreen:

There might well jist be showers in the mornin' but they'll no be golden. ;)

Too late aboot the firewater, ma lassie quite likes single malt. :cool:

Keith, I'm still heading. Had a crap week and need it. It's only a bit of rain and its clearing here anyway. Even this afternoon the forest will still be wet anyway.

Leave Old Cozy Pansy to his long lie.
Have a good one guys, rain or no.
It was glorious up here yesterday and got just a few miles in but today woke up to set in, type drizzly pish.
Ohh wel, Flanders is on this afternoon :)

keithyr":10b0tmyz said:
Was a tough but good ride even in the rain.

Me and ZZ thinking maybe do comrie croft next Sunday for a change?

Sounds good, only been once and that was 5 years ago. Pray for a dry one.