Feb 2008 BoTM - Another Announcement


The Guv’nor
Retrobike Rider

Here’s the announcement which you all may (or may not) have been waiting for. We were unfortunately forced to remove the BoTM thread following the actions of one user. He shall remain nameless here, however it won’t take Miss Marple to figure out their identity. The aforementioned user entered his bike and subsequently registered 15 further users to rig the vote and to cause trouble on the original BoTM nomination and voting threads. His actions and those like it will not be tolerated – needless to say this has resulted in a ban of this user and the 15 aliases we have tracked down to date. Let’s not forget the contest is a bit of fun - actions like this spoil things for everybody.

Following these unfortunate incidents the BoTM Rules have been amended as follows, updates are in bold.

1. Keep all comments and criticism constructive, avoid personal attacks.
2. Entries are accepted from all parts of the site. MTB, Road, BMX, Cyclocross, whatever.
3. It is strongly suggested all bikes are placed in the reader’s bikes section prior to entry into BoTM. In this way a bike can under go a more gentle critique prior to the spotlight and interest of BoTM. More detail and extra pictures can be added here.
4. If you aren’t prepared that your bike undergo criticism as part of BoTM don’t enter it. We have many 1000s of views on this thread in a month – make sure both you and your bike are ready!
5. Don’t register extra users to vote for your own bike and for trolling purposes. This will result in a ban from retrobike.

6. Bike must be complete.
7. Bike must be currently owned by site member / nominee. No selling the bike whilst the contest is running if you want to remain in the contest. This goes for entering the bike with the intention of selling.
8. Two pictures per bike only.
9. Judges decision is final.
10. Bikes can only be entered once (special months excepted)
11. Don't take it too seriously

The voting thread will be back up later tonight or tomorrow with the offending users pride and joy removed. We have also removed speedplay’s RTS at his request (bike is on ebay) and have added Void’s stumpjumper. So, get voting :cool:
So does that now mean i can get a entry in :?: Or does it run on from where it left off.
I hope that thread isn't a sign of things to come. I've quite enjoyed this site because it didn't seem to suffer from the negativity and crap that plagues other bike sites.

If you're not into certain types of bikes (or think anything from 9x onwards isn't retro) fair enough, but perhaps its best to take the tactful approach when commenting on bikes people have poured their heart into. I thought the camaraderie and support evident on this site is fantastic, it would be a shame to see that disappear.

I don't condone the multiple user incident, but i have to say, from chatting to him for a while now, the individual involved seemed like a great guy. For mine, it would be a shame to lose a passionate retrobiker and good bloke from the site for the sake of this one incident?

My 2 cents, as I said, I hope this site doesn't head in the same direction other sites have.

ashes_mtb":1ldts3ff said:
I don't condone the multiple user incident, but i have to say, from chatting to him for a while now, the individual involved seemed like a great guy.

I agree, I had a lot of conversations with him, seemed all ok.

But lying sucks and I haven't got time for liers. And thats what this incident was; a load of lies on his part.

So, it was dealt with in the best possible manor.
... Wow, I was away for a couple of days snowboarding in Austria and missed all this hectic things going round, but as we like to say in Holland " cover it with sand and forget about it" :D
Keep up the good mood and keep smiling ...and don't forget to take (one of) your bike(s) out every ones in a while and hammer your bad thougts away ;)
cheers to everyone Roy
In his thread on STW complaining about Retrobike, he was basically saying he couldn't understand why he had been banned as he hadn't done anything wrong. i.e., his bike was obviously the best, so he was just doing everybody a favour by multiple voting as it would ensure the right result. Seems pretty lame to me. I think John did absolutely the right thing.