F**k ME were in mbuk

Saw that as well last night as sat down to read mt copy.

Geeks is true though. eg:

"that 92 Klein on ebay has the wrong paint fade, must be a 91 frame with 92 components" etc.......
top write up - made me smile! congrats to all involved!! i shall go and buy my first copy of MBUK for 11 years.

My fave bit is the 'If you build it you've gotta race it...' caption - good enough for a T shirt/mug methinks...??

Mr K
jez-4-bikes-max":1q93px8b said:
Why are we geeks?
Old knackered bikes that dont work properly - er... NO

:shock: I have my moments of 'geek' But surley not this :?
My bikes work :D
TheGreenRabbit":1sllcphc said:
tintin40":1sllcphc said:
jez-4-bikes-max":1sllcphc said:
Why are we geeks?
Old knackered bikes that dont work properly - er... NO

:shock: I have my moments of 'geek' But surley not this :?
My bikes work :D

Apart from your inner tube !!!

:cry: :cry: :roll: :LOL: :LOL: Will be different next time
jez-4-bikes-max":2wrct5dt said:
Why are we geeks? I dont understand...

Of course we are Geeks :LOL:
Anyone (with any hobby/interest/obsession) that obsesses in great minutiae about specifics and can reel off technical facts, recall long forgotten details about anything is a geek, be it cars, bikes, plants, cows or stamps.

Let's face it we're all (more or less) a bunch of 30-40 something guys/girls who should know better arguing a toss over different shades of anodising or the precise angles of frames.......we are Uber Geeks :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

(and I don't care....!!!)
jez-4-bikes-max":5z8rt5sc said:
I thought I had a hobby and was an "enthusisast" :LOL:

I think we've crossed the line mate....into Over-Enthusiastic-Land ;) :LOL:

All my non-bike friends think i'm an OCD Geek :oops: :oops: