F**k ME were in mbuk

You guys want to see it don't ya! (sorry cchris2lou)

mods feel free to remove if you're not happy about legality, I'm sure MBUK won't mind a bit of extra publicity ;)


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My first mbuk copy was April 92, came with a free satchet of Pedro's Lube, before that i used to read my brother's copy (and i still get it now, never missed an issue, although is changed :cry: )
Why are we geeks? I dont understand...

I can imagine the stigma attached to:

Computers/overclocking etc...YES

Old knackered bikes that dont work properly - er... NO
jez-4-bikes-max":3fsbx3uc said:
Why are we geeks? I dont understand...

I say new school is worse than old school, at least we ride our bikes, not ponce round in baggy clothes, looking like a tit wearing a motorbike helmet and darth vadar body armour, talking about who can ride down a hill the fastest then thumb a lift back up :x


Yes they did rattle my cage ;)
Yeh the Cool Wall was my responsibility :oops:

I ran out of good things to slate...

Ill put a new one on today if I can think of something....