Everyone has their Raleigh era, which one were you?

Grifter and Chopper were classifieds/ car boot fodder for me really did not stop me having about 2 or 3 Grifters, :D

I was very unhappy i had a £10 chopper for a second bike off me dad, i really wanted a BMX, and those sturmey archer gears NEVER agreed with me! :roll:

BMX was all the rage when i was 8 in '85

So Raleigh VECTOR was KING, specially in white flavour.

MTB wise I had a Red marble-garble effect MUSTANG as my first MTB, traded in and some how ended up with an accessory clad black and white older model one slightly later.
Here's a Raleigh clipping from my files. It's from a trade magazine, Bicycle Dealer Showcase, the issue of May, 1983.


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Repack Rider":3pzt4t7j said:
Here's a Raleigh clipping from my files. It's from a trade magazine, Bicycle Dealer Showcase, the issue of May, 1983.

how wrong could they be :oops:

I had s speedway with thosr mudguard spats you used to fold over to make motorbike noises, then I had MTB's - maverick - Euro - discovery.

The sentiments in Repack Riders clipping got me my first MTB; bloke had brought it into Britain and tarted it around the shops saying this is the next biggie-hop on now; shops didnt want to know cos they had all suffered in the drop of BMX sales and didnt want to put cash into another passing fad.
Raleigh moment had to be Chopper but purse strings wouldnt allow; made up for it now tho' ;)
Mine were all racers...
Winner...£129.95 (Got stolen outside college)
Record sprint...£229.95 (Vanished during Dad's shed clearout!)
Dyna-tech Titanium...£649 for frame and forks. (Swapped it for a VW beetle because it frightened me when I would sprint and watch the bottom bracket sway side to side)
Elix...(found in the local tip and restored for training purposes)

I was jealous of the kid at school with the Bomber 'cos he could ride on grass, and up kerbs!!
Just found this thread whilst searching for something.

I thought I'd share this with you


Yeah that is me, on my Strika, my 2nd bike after a Budgie!
Had a Budgie, a Tomahawk, a Striker, a Chopper, a Grifter (all rusty second hand mind you)
I then spent a freezing cold winter doing a Saturday job pressure washing Plant machinery (often in freezing weather with no protective clothing at age 13- ah how things have changed :LOL: ), valetting cars and general arse wiping to buy an Aero Pro Burner which got blinged to death, Skyways, Skyway trick platform, hutch pedals etc. Loved that bike to bits.
Then had a bomber and the last Raleigh I had was a Mustang with black and white fade. Not a bad bike actually, ended its days re sprayed orange and white fade with very bent wheels!

happy days ;)
Had one of these around 81/82 ...

Not just a normal grifter but a Grifter Xl wich had mudgards and a rack :eek:

In 87 i bough a Raleigh Maverick in Gold and Brown ,cost me 135 pounds of my hard earned paper round earnings .... i rode it until it fell to bits :LOL:


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