Engineer V Marketing...

I am not sure what the rear hub is, a Nuvinci or a motor? It looks like it has a belt drive. But do you really have to replace anything? You could just ride it.
the rear hub is the motor.
slap a standard hubbed wheel in there, you'll need to get a gates pulley and it' single speed. or chuck a IGH in for snits and squiggles. think they are 135 or boost depending on the brand but that looks like 140mm so boost.

spend half hour ripping off all the wires and off you go.

or, here's the fun bit, get a couple of battery drill batteries and hook them up in place of the chunk of battery there now. (this is where it really should be, an adaptable, standard battery design).
the rear hub is the motor.
slap a standard hubbed wheel in there, you'll need to get a gates pulley and it' single speed. or chuck a IGH in for snits and squiggles. think they are 135 or boost depending on the brand but that looks like 140mm so boost.

spend half hour ripping off all the wires and off you go.

or, here's the fun bit, get a couple of battery drill batteries and hook them up in place of the chunk of battery there now. (this is where it really should be, an adaptable, standard battery design).
Cheaper and less effort to get an unused gumtree special for £40
Cheaper and less effort to get an unused gumtree special for £40
weigh less as well. these really are the ultimate in wasteful economics of the bike world.

however, 1 less car, so swings and round abouts I guess. I won't have an Ebike yet, bit I suspect that one day I'll have one. at least, when they have pedal assist (yes I know, uk laws etc.) the rider is doing low impact/pressure activities that they wouldn't be doing at all otherwise.
To many e-bike fires to even think about having one…..extremely dangerous….
To many e-bike fires to even think about having one…..extremely dangerous….
so's your oven, but you mitigate the risk.

the issue isn't the equipment persay, it's the lack of knowledge in the general population on how to treat them. we all know not to stick our head in the oven when trying to light it, but we don't know how to check a battery isn't fubared or to charge it off the bike in a safe location.

could you imagine if someone today came up with the infernal combustion engine, "hay lads, I've got this great idea, lets take this highly flammable substance, vapourise it then mix it with just the right amount of air to make it really flammable, then, wait for it, you'll love this, stick a measured amount in a confined space and add a spark so it ignites resulting in a vapour cloud explosion. Yer I know, tell you what, how about we stick one wall on a rod and let it move about, then attach that to a shaft that spins really really fast, like thousands of times a minute, yer we'll need to add some mass to balance it or it'll get all vibratory. all we need then is to chain it to some wheels and we are off, reckon we could do 30 miles per hour easy, way faster than one of them ebike thingies"

(all said in jest, I'm not for or against ebikes).
Engineer: Lets make electric bikes to 'help' the environment...

Marketing: Yeah, then lets make them obsolete...!:D
In defence of Marketing: product design is more than 10 years old and it's usually a manufacturer decision not to continue with spares, not that of the Marketing Dept. I think you will find that the sub-contracted battery maker went bust in c 2018. Germany offers a refurbed/ cell replacement solution, but won't send to UK.