Engineer V Marketing...

so's your oven, but you mitigate the risk.

the issue isn't the equipment persay, it's the lack of knowledge in the general population on how to treat them. we all know not to stick our head in the oven when trying to light it, but we don't know how to check a battery isn't fubared or to charge it off the bike in a safe location.

could you imagine if someone today came up with the infernal combustion engine, "hay lads, I've got this great idea, lets take this highly flammable substance, vapourise it then mix it with just the right amount of air to make it really flammable, then, wait for it, you'll love this, stick a measured amount in a confined space and add a spark so it ignites resulting in a vapour cloud explosion. Yer I know, tell you what, how about we stick one wall on a rod and let it move about, then attach that to a shaft that spins really really fast, like thousands of times a minute, yer we'll need to add some mass to balance it or it'll get all vibratory. all we need then is to chain it to some wheels and we are off, reckon we could do 30 miles per hour easy, way faster than one of them ebike thingies"

(all said in jest, I'm not for or against ebikes).
The thing with ovens is, you don't need to know anything and they have loads of gas-safe built-in safety devices. Plus you can't just buy a cheapy and connect it yourself, you can't even get the fittings. Any legitimate qualified engineer wouldn't even fit something he thought might be dangerous.

Most buying ebikes don't know one from the other. So why spend £4k on something from a proper bike shop when you can get exactly the same thing (in their view) directly from the far East for a fraction of that cost . Remember to them a bike is a bike is a bike. Plus there's loads of ebike theft, so cheap makes sense. So they get this dodgy ebike, plug it in, and all is good. It works fine until .....

It won't be long till home insurance companies refuse to insure if you state you have an ebike. And they won't ask if it's a Ribble or a WanKing, cos to them, they are all the same also
It won't be long till home insurance companies refuse to insure if you state you have an ebike. And they won't ask if it's a Ribble or a WanKing, cos to them, they are all the same to them.

The insurance thing is happening already for bike shops.
"Do you sell/ store/ service electric bikes?"
We see quite a few we won't have in the shop - usually home converted 🤢

And the news stories don't say "another untested £600 amazon ebike burns the house down"

Indoor smoking is a lot more likely to start a fire, or hippies with candles.
But any horrible cheap recharging battery stored on a load of flammable material is dangerous.
Headlights? Phones?
Not just insurance companies but soon shops & commercial establishments will not allow you to park your ebike as some multistory car parks are doing already with EV’s, container ships are now banning shipments of EV’s due to combustion risks & huge insurance premiums…. They are a danger & many companies are now realizing this & mitigation risks is the name o the game…. I’ll stick to good old petrol, ICE vehicles & physical pedal power….as why try to fix something that ain’t broke as to much global boiling fear mongering going on….just let a few volcanoes let rip & we’ll be in another ice age very quickly…..

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