End, who knows!

Hi Al, sorry to hear about your back problems.............you`re not alone as you can see from this thread.

I had a bad back injury while working abroad and had to be stretchered home where I spent 1 month in hospital followed by several months of physio. Anyway my physiotherapist was also a yoga instructor who gave me a set of exercises that I do each day for about 20 mins. She said most back pain is down to 3 things......posture, core strength ( lower back and lower abdominal muscles ) and flexibility. Improvements in these areas will work wonders.

Maybe you've just been overdoing it of late.Take a break from the saddle and ride a desk for a while offering your font of knowledge :D
when things improve you can still get out,even if its only little rides.it helps you maintain yourself :?
Have you considered raising the suspension on your VW?

Thought not :)

Take it easy and find a nice physio to look after you ...
Kestonian":e9ccvbwl said:
Have you considered raising the suspension on your VW?

Thought not :)

Take it easy and find a nice physio to look after you ...


I am going to go away and get better, then I will see what's what!

Thanks to all the well wishers and Perry! :roll:

There are loads of you with nackered lower backs so you all know how I feel at the moment. Just a bit down, but not out! :D
dont loose the spark m8

a bit of building and an occasional trundle keeps it going
or just do the full restoration bit ,become an "expert"
She said most back pain is down to 3 things......posture, core strength ( lower back and lower abdominal muscles ) and flexibility. Improvements in these areas will work wonders.

Yes , yes and yes or you could give up on the low impact health improving cycling and just sit down all the time , maybe doing that wont leave you hobbling around bent over with a walking stick as an old duffer , but only maybe .

I've got to be harsh Alice , your being a fool giving up the bike .

Fook running , runnings ghey


Stay on board

Sorry to hear all of this Al
Take a break from riding if thats going to help, whatever makes it better really. Just stay on here and keep in with the banter. I get the impression there are quite a few on here that never ride, they build, tinker, restore but dont/can't get out and ride.
Perry, you have a way with words :LOL:

All the best
:roll: Perry, I reckon you make a great Prime Minister with your logic thinking and your way with words! :LOL:

You have to be better than Gordon Brown, how would you improve Great Britain while it's a mess nowadays?

BTW, take it easy Al
Stay around Al, if only for OT. My back hurts too! My shoulders hurt worse though so I just think about them.