eggbeater problems?


Retro Guru
I have had a pair of crank brothers 2ti eggbeater pedals for a while now and I thought I woul give them a try. :?
I was not impressed after falling to the ground
at least 4 times still attached to the bike. :shock:
I just could not get unclipped in time and this has really shook me up a bit.
I am sure I will recover from the bruises but I am very apprehensive towards these pedals now :oops:
Any ideas why I am not getting on with these pedals?
I have always ridden flatties in the past,
Doesn't everyone fall off the first time they go clipless? :LOL:

Never had eggbeaters, can you adjust the spring tension to make them easier to release?
Yep, falling off a lot is all part of using to learn spd type pedals I'm afraid! I remember being very wary of traffic lights.
Hey guy,

Is this your first go at clipless?

If so, it does take some time to adjust to the mechanics of releaseing without thinking it through.

If not, then here's some info that may help.

The eggbeaters have no spring adjustment, they are a fixed tension. You can, however, rotate the cleats on your shoes a bit to orient them so it takes less outboard rotation to engage the chamfered edges and release.

Don't get discouraged, the benefits far outweigh the familiarization pains.


no unfortunately you can't adjust spring tension, apparently you can adjust the angle at wich you can unclip :roll:
It didn't seem to work for me though :shock:
Thanks Rody for your suggestions, I will try them again - maybe this time on a large field of grass rather than on the concrete patio in the garden. :cry: OUCH!
If I do not get on with them, then I may well sell them. :?
I am a cliplees virgin at the moment, so maybe practise will make perfect! :shock:
Eggbeaters are nasty to unclip for me, too much ankle rotation. I have numerous sets of SPD type and the new Ritchey V2s are the best I have ever tried. Granted my eggbeaters were the candys so yours may be a little different, but the 15 degrees of float did not agree with my knees. I will never use eggbeaters again.
i have used spuds since there birth,then went on to ritchy ti`s for years but these clog up to much over cannock,so i bought a set of candy-c`s,(same as egg beaters)
I still find it hard to click out of my left shoe when needed to quick ,i have no idea why,as these were second hand i have no instructions
Secondly the bearing inside the right pedal exploded with a click click click then fell apart,which i have replaced with hardened nylon for a while to see how long they last

not impressed at all you can n`t beat shimano ;)