eggbeater problems?

I've had some eggbeaters for a while now, brand new ones have tough springs, but these will loosen up. a mate of mine gave me his old cleats to use until the springs loosened up, this is recommended if you have some older cleats I'd use them.
are you using the proper cleats - my Ti eggbeaters have been great - best clipless pedals I've had .
monsterfatuk":3sgmgcvv said:
i have used spuds since there birth
you can n`t beat shimano ;)

I'm with the Fat man, Shimano all the way ;)

The benefits, as I see it, with Shimano is when learning. You can adjust the tension, so when starting out you can have them nice and loose. Of course, as your confidence grows, tighten them up.

If I were you doogie, as your still starting out, get yourself a pair of cheap Shimano SPuD's and slacken the tension off.

As Rody says, as you get used to them you will soon see the benefits. I wouldnt want you to throw the towel in just yet with release problems!
Mrs SB had an absolute mare the first time out with SPDs. Her guide/instructor had a well-intentioned brain-fart and overdid the tension. Poor lass went over about 12 times, was black and blue, but loved the riding. Give em a fair chance, if you don't like get rid. It is not worth spoiling your experiences because of a set of posh pedals.
As already said, when using SPD's you will fall off and look silly, its just the frequency at which it happens reduces with experience.

SPD related injuries are a way of life.
must .. resist .. urge ... get into arguement.. about merits ... of sticking with proper flat pedals .. gah!
I have tried to get on with my Candy C's but in vain. My biggest gripe is the engagement. With all of my other spds (mainly Shimano) I clip straight in but with the eggbeater I'm stamping about all over the place. I even bought some beaterblocker shoe saving plates to make the cleat stand out a bit prouder but this didn't help either.

They're currently on our tandem but the missus will go mad if I'm not clipped in quickly!

If anyone wants the Candy C's in light grey with both sets of cleats and the beaterblocker plates I'd be more than happy to swap them for a pair of shimano spds and cleats.
My Avalanche came with Candy C's and I sold them straight on. I'm staying with Shimano SPuD's, they've always worked for me. The XT's on my RTS were second hand when I got them, and that was 1994........
Pickle.................... :shock: :LOL:

Anyway I love eggbeaters and have 3 pairs, almost magnetically clip in, must admit one pair of shoes are proving to be a wee bit missing but haven't tried the shims yet. Anyway dumb question time but are the cleats on the right shoes? One way of mounting gives 20deg and the other 15deg release angle.
Yes I have got the cleat with the circles on it on the right shoe - this gives 15 degrees before unclipping