East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

if shes a teacher tell her you want asanas specifically for the back and she should be able to work out a sequence of them for you that involves going from corpse or sun salutation working upto half spinal twist ( surprisingly hard to do :lol: ) and back
im guessing that its a muscle pain you have in your back . itl pull and stretch those so they dont feel as tense and even if its a problem with the spine itl help align it and promote better posture

my lower back used to ache from when i pulled it in about 2003 coming up short on a jump and landing half way down the landing in a seated position . i ended up in a heap at the bottom unable to breathe or move for a few mins . i spent the next week in pain if i was stood or sat so lying on my side was the only comfortable option :lol: i think i broke the end of my coccyx too

i only ever get that aching pain now if im stood for too long
Yoga Mat :roll:
Perry included this in an earlier post and I resisted saying that Carol used one. Then in my post I resisted again, being careful with punctuation.... but then I suppose that being Mat it is your prerogative. 8)
rc200ti":x4eh4ja2 said:
Yoga Mat :roll:
Perry included this in an earlier post and I resisted saying that Carol used one. Then in my post I resisted again, being careful with punctuation.... but then I suppose that being Mat it is your prerogative. 8)

Beer mat, yoga mat, door mat...the list goes on... :wink:
afraid not :(

i saw some farmers today and yesterday . none of them cared that i was on their land so i see that as an ok for my own private bit of trail :D i got sick of getting flies and things in my eyes so bought some glasses and after doing 2 quicker than i thought laps and realizing if i went home then i would end up having to pass all the schoolies as it was school kicking out time so i did another . getting soaked :lol:
It was certainly wet! I bet we got hit by the same storm. It didn't rain in nottingham...my wife was really suprised when I got home!
at one point it was going the same way i was . i thought oh wicked ive got my own cloud now :lol: a thorough road test of the specs was done as it was sunny when i started
we stepped off the plane at East Midlands at 4pm and the heavens opened - within 5 minutes the carpark was 3 inches deep in water :shock: