Not been far afield during the last couple of weeks, combination of work / weather / the social secretary. Managed a ride with Mat around a bit of Robin Wood and part of the usual loop, and a couple of rides from home.
Getting excited by the prospect of the Big Pace weekend, intend going up early on the Saturday and coming back very late.
Contemplating Mr K's 2009 Peaks ride in September, but it may clash with a trip to Pembroke. Did you do it last year, and if so what kind of distance are we looking at ?
As Perry suggested earlier we could do with a calender for the group. I haven't a clue if it's possible to have an active one , or if it will need someone to act as 'calender keeper' to revise and post a static version. There's your Peaks ride, Ticknall ride, and a Cannock ride that all need firm dates and slotting into the bigger picture of MM / SSUK / Real Ale Wobble etc.