East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

:D Welcome back. Trust you had a good time.

Not been far afield during the last couple of weeks, combination of work / weather / the social secretary. Managed a ride with Mat around a bit of Robin Wood and part of the usual loop, and a couple of rides from home.

Getting excited by the prospect of the Big Pace weekend, intend going up early on the Saturday and coming back very late.
Contemplating Mr K's 2009 Peaks ride in September, but it may clash with a trip to Pembroke. Did you do it last year, and if so what kind of distance are we looking at ?

As Perry suggested earlier we could do with a calender for the group. I haven't a clue if it's possible to have an active one , or if it will need someone to act as 'calender keeper' to revise and post a static version. There's your Peaks ride, Ticknall ride, and a Cannock ride that all need firm dates and slotting into the bigger picture of MM / SSUK / Real Ale Wobble etc.
rc200ti":302ls94e said:
Mat: Just noticed you're selling the Cinder Cone. You should get good money for it at the moment, prices seem to be increasing daily!!

Got a hack bike for £30 off ebay for Charlie, GT Tequesta in smokey fady purple, pick it up when back from Norfolk.

Looking forward to seeing that Kona, Perry :D

Yeah, It's my back really, and too many bikes...I'll have to go full suss for the moment and Fire Mountain it on special occasions. Will I still be allowed to ride though...being all modern and stuff :shock:
rc200ti":fxpm0i94 said:
Will I still be allowed to ride though...being all modern and stuff Shocked

No 'one-way' system in the woods

Same principle in my eyes, anyway riding 'retro' is a state of mind :D

I like it..Modern Bike, Retro Soul :wink:

It's definately time for a big ride...With the new forum system we must be able to hook more people in, maybe send out invitations to other area groups and vice versa. It's always nice to ride somewhere else (as Ticknall and Belvoir proved).

No takers for tomorrow then? I rode home from work in the most increadable rain today. My Gore-tex boots filled up to the brim with the water running down my legs and then wouldn't empty because of the bloody Gore-tex :shock:

Anyone watching the Tour...I'm totally addicted!
perry":on8r5r7h said:
maybe ed would be willing to edit the first post and keep it up to date like the macroadies do ?

you need to do some yoga matt . dont worry its not all hippie its basically just really good stretches


http://www.abc-of-yoga.com/yogapractice ... sepose.asp

aim to get your spine laying flat on the ground with no arch . go on to do some twisting asanas and some leg ones wouldnt hurt either

Not sure about all this hippy-dippy stuff...Does it really work?

My sister is a Yoga teacher but she is as mad as a brush :lol:
yeah its just stretches

pft riding home , i was doing 35 miles in the dirt in that rain . 3 laps of where i showed you
Anyone watching the Tour...I'm totally addicted!

Record 7 to 8. Carol off to bed 10.30ish. Tour 10.45 to 11.45. Cavendish won again today (looking forward to watching).

Kind of like the winter regime for 'Match of the Day', but not football, on every night of the week, and its not winter........so maybe not :roll:

Yes to yoga, Mat. :D
rc200ti":1voxwl2j said:
Anyone watching the Tour...I'm totally addicted!

Record 7 to 8. Carol off to bed 10.30ish. Tour 10.45 to 11.45. Cavendish won again today (looking forward to watching).

Kind of like the winter regime for 'Match of the Day', but not football, on every night of the week, and its not winter........so maybe not :roll:

Yes to yoga, Mat. :D

Yoga mat... :lol: