East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

Hi all great ride last night very hard going on that soft stuff no idea where it came from.

It’s Moustache Season and I’m growing a fine moustache for Movember! Please support my growing efforts and the 10,000 men who will die of prostate cancer and the more than 2,000 men who will be diagnosed with testicular cancer this year. Thank you http://mobro.co/btrosderby
Did we agree these dates?

Thanks for the ride last night. Especially memorable was the sight of Geoff charging his batteries mid-ride:- I would have used an emotion but there dosen't seem to be one for electrocution.

We need the BBC to put on more girlie TV, I've got a free pass any Saturday night until the current crop of crap stops.

I can make Saturday 26th Nov for a Christmas/birthday event: anyone interested in this? It seems to combine winter riding with motors (Adrenaline Rush Karts
Hilton Fields Farm, Burntheath, Hilton, Derby DE65 5FE
07952 554560 ‎)

Saturday December 17th to celebrate the final of "Simply".

Brilliant new avatar Steve.
Hi, hope to join you all for a ride again next tuesday, work has caused me to miss the last couple of weeks. Before i do i could do with some advice. I have received a new battery pack for my P7 Cree lights today and just wondered whether you guys fully charge them straight out of the box, or plug them in to the light, drain them and then fully charge. I'm only asking this has the set that i got with my light when i bought it only gives me a burn time of 2 hrs and not the 3 hrs has stated. Is this because i fully charged them straight out of the box. Any help/advice would be fullt appreciated.
I have a feeling as part of the charging process it discharges the battery for you first. Not sure why you are only getting 2hrs :?
My only other thought has to why i am getting 2 hrs is, after the first initial charge i let them stand for a week or so without use, i think i may have then recharged them prior to there first use. Just wondering if these are the types of batteries with memory and whether that has affected their burn life? Anyway, i'll charge this new set that i have received now prior to using, then run them down to check burn time, then charge them again. At least i've also got a spare set with a 2 hr burn time as well. Thanks.
Don't ask me about batteries,electric fences on the other hand i have plenty of knowledge of!!(great ride last night though ,in spite of that)
Just been told to trim my signature by drystone .....oh well
Doesn't seem in the spirit but maybe there is a reason ?

Lovely ride last night chaps
Quite electrifying

Night of the 26th ok