East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

I send out an email to the likes of Tony, other John and Geoff etc who don't frequent the forum 8)

I may look like a graceful swan from above but those legs are paddling frantically underneath :lol:
Derby BMW X5 Beware

Sorry not to make it tonight chaps, I have however spent the night in the back of a police van, along with my broken bike, after a really numpty of a car driver firstly squshed me onto the pavement then ran into the back of me at a set of traffic lights. BMW X5 drivers

Rear wheel damaged I am hoping nothing else has been damaged.

GT RTS up and running for winter and X5 climbing.
glad you're ok. Was the x5 driver apologetic?

Christmas meal is shaping up. Looks like a Thai in derby on nov 26th. Need to book a table so who's in? Also looking for pub in the town that either does darts or skittles for some extra entertainment after :D karting etc collectively deemed too expensive.