East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

nature abhors a vacuum and you can't fight nature :D

myself? I just abhor vacuuming.

Don't worry I've already got my coat and heading out the door...
no worries rob i was going anyway so it was no big loss.

big supprise in store for you all on tuesday though if we're starting are nights ride through robin wood :?
so far nothing that we ride has been damaged, but im sure it will be.

they are felling the pine trees to allow more sunlight through for the broad leafs they are going to be replacing them with.

did a loop around the edge and nothing has been distrubed/churned up (yet)
then took that off piste route with the 3 trees laying across the path then up the fire road to that small downhill section, nothings been disturbed there either (yet).

so no disruption yet but i'm sure there will be as a vast majority of robin wood is pine trees :(
I was only saying last week how I remember Robin Wood being completely devastated by the foresters about 8 years ago and how it was now back to how it had been ....wish I'd kept my mouth shut :(