East Midlands Area chat and rides thread

Hey all!

Thanks for a great ride and warm welcome last night, some good trails around there!

Sorry had to miss the pub, bad form, wont happen again...

Cheers, look forward to next time I can make it! :)
best of rides ride

Great to see another Rocky let alone another face.

What a fantastic ride last night was Thanks Rob, I am still in the recovery position.

I have got the GT back with all the cracks welded, no over spill into the threads (which is nice) and some chunky looking braces so it has another 16 years of dirt 8) .

Mat you missed out on a great ride which I think I heard Ed call the best of all rides ride, No up hill slogs just endless down hill's joy o joy.

Going to bed now. time is 16:58 :wink:
yep it was a cracker - we did the halfpipe in XP valley again :D I'll see if I can upload it to youtube in a bit.