e-petition - bicycles on footpaths :)


Dirt Disciple
Set this up at the start of the week - not sure of most appropriate subject, but I think here is most relevant:


Would not only open up miles of off-road access but would allow use of pavements in making safer cycling for children and commuting.

I'm sure there is support out there for this, but probably also quite a voice against this - but if the common sense of cyclists is trusted then there is no reason this should not work.

Any support would be very much appreciated.
Children is an irrelevant argument, they already can go on the pavements iirc.

As for public footpaths, then yes they should be but they shouldn't be forces to have to provide cycle friendly styles, gates or even the path friendly (even though I quite often wish they where).

Well they should make it more legal than it is now ;)

But i'll read the petition tomorrow.
if the speed limit is 40+ you should have the choice pavement or road

even more so this time of year when visibility is poor,
bigmick":1fl7fkkx said:
if the speed limit is 40+ you should have the choice pavement or road

Is that right? I didn't know that - well - I learned something new today.
The current trend around here when marking up cycle lanes is to put them on a wide path where previously they were a narrow lane in the road.
I can see a campaign for cycling on footpaths by roads having some but limited success.
I can't ever see the day when they allow it in the countryside, if they allow cycling then they'd have to allow hourses and a lot of footpaths just aren't wide enough to pass safely.

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