Dream garage / Dream shed / Dream cupboard.

Most of my gear is in the loft, id like to rotate the bikes for riding more often but getting them in and out of the loft is a bit of a palaver. I've been wanting to set up a pully rig for ages. Fortunately, there's a loft ladder and the loft hatch is quite big so it's a matter of taking the front wheel off and lifting them up... its fiddly but not impossible. Getting them down, I tie a rope around the head tube and lower. Would love the luxury of a walk-in garage to work and store my projects.
Fit a means of escape Velox window, then just throw them out.
The UK HQ was in Surrey. No idea if it still there now or if they relocated after the fire.
I think it’s still in Guildford then. I was told last week they are about to sponsor a load of new trails in Peaslake area. I told the guy to mention to the reps I’d built that JMC M2 replica.
Mines not as fancy, no white walls, frames for display purposes... Currently being organised and you can't see the side walls with stuff.
Also used as a garage for all the other stuff.
Carpet in the middle for comfort and to cover up the garage and concrete floor splitting in two.

(I don't count the two Asgard metal sheds or the loft...)

And compared to what I used to have, this is the Dream
Now I have a space, more limited, but still very grateful. Sadly have my wife’s treadmill taking a fair chunk of the space 🤷‍♂️.. But can still house a fair bit. Just need it more organised, with more things hung on the wall. Still in 2021, could not move in there, with double the volume of bikes.. So in some respects, its far easier to get to them now 👍😎 7B5AAE36-308B-413B-8BA3-0D57E416D3FF.webp 30D6C071-BE8C-4ED5-AD6F-217F21011280.webp 2AB7A5D8-D1D5-4E18-83D1-26341FED7998.webp 60CEBD2E-6154-4086-9917-B0302E9D966D.webp DE5BE2AE-3274-4A6F-9D4B-BBF689F11F0E.webp 57B64140-F62E-4FA0-B29E-063F13AFFBD9.webp