Dream garage / Dream shed / Dream cupboard.

Tidy up complete, there’s basically two sides to my ‘space’, storage side and build side.

On the storage side I have 16bikes on the floor and that’s pretty much all I can fit there, plus some hooks to hang frames above - but it’s not really a thought out solution, more temporary.


The build side is exactly that, a work stand, work bench, tool drawers and then a whole load of storage of parts, boxes and all the other stuff. There’s a TV and a radio. One complete bike has snuck in to the build space…



The space is pretty full, or maybe just well utilised?

Forks nailed to the wall;

Tyres on a pole behind the TV;

But the most effective storage I have is my slope of wheels working with the angle of the rafters;
Epic, nice little hideaway. So much nice stuff in there.

If only you had some sort of drawbridge/ramp to ride them straight out the roof and down the trail.
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Brilliant. I’ve got a massive RC Spitfire I’ve been meaning to hang from the ceiling, having rebuilt & crashed it twice already that’s enough.

Was gonna wait till the toddlers a bit older before getting some re issue models 🤔
My Dad bought me and my brother a Tamiya Cheetah when we were toddlers in the early 80s. It was the sort that needed building, glue, paint etc. Such a kind gift! Needless to say we weren’t allowed to use it. It was a mystery for many years to us why my mum spoke with such sarcasm about it!