dismantling a wheel by cutting the spokes... OK?


Retro Wizard
The nipples on my Campag / Fiamme 1975 wheels appear to be locked solid with rust / corosion :(

Is it OK just to cut the spokes with a set of cutters or will this wreck the rim ? or is there a special order. If I didn't want the rim then I'd simply cut away with abandon close to the hub...........however I would like to rebuild with the same rim :)



PS Housewife Bar............please do not post something for sale on this thrad, it's very impolite.

Just cut away !!! the rim will go out of shape but no damage will be done.
Cheapest place for spokes is Cyclebasket.com web site..
Thanks for that.......................just have to remove the Regina block that has been on the hubs for the same length of time :(

If you cut the pulling spokes (the ones that lay on the outside of the hub) on one side of the wheel first, and then on the other side, you´ll get the rim free with less stress on and maybe not out of true as much.
Midlife":d1b76509 said:
Thanks for that.......................just have to remove the Regina block that has been on the hubs for the same length of time :(


I had the same issue with a Regina freewheel as well ! Some superstar had damaged the dog drive so the tool would not engage... I had to enlist the assistance of a good work friend of mine "Mr. Angle Grinder" :shock:

I cut the last two sprockets off the block and the whole freewheel fell apart leaving only the threaded part on the hub. Let it soak in "Willy Duffy" (WD40) overnight and clamped it in a vice....! No problem

I am usually not that ignorant or dog ruff with stuff but I was left no option..!

Hope you arent going to re use the freewheel !
Is it a 2-dog one, or the splined type (America, Syncro90, ...)? If the latter, I have the tool, just back home from a loan to cippolini. Let me know if you need to borrow it. If it is two-dog and stuck on, then I feel for you...
It's a two dog block.............I have the correct tool.............somewhere,

I have a vision of the spokes snaping and me holding hub with block still attached and shattered spokes and a rim on the floor.

That's put me off a bit now, maybe watch Dr Who, try and look at the planets out tonight and do it tomorrow LOL

and get the block off before you dismantle the wheel. Removing a block from a lonesum hub is impossible without damaging something