Did I make a mistake?! 1991 Kona Explosif


Retro Guru
So trolling through my local classifieds when I came across a 19" Explosif. I quickly emailed the owner and within 2 hours I was at his place with cash in hand (fought rush hour traffic and almost got a $50 parking ticket). I had only brought $100 but he had all the original parts minus the seatpost, seat and tires. He would've sold me the lot for $125. I was as giddy as a school boy as this is one of my top 3 bikes I have yet to own (#3 actually, #1 is Kona Hei Hei Ti and #2 is Rocky Mountain Blizzard - early 90's). To much of my dismay I noticed that the rear canti post was nearly sheared off but not noticeable unless you REALLY looked for it. I mentioned it to the seller and walked away....feeling sad.

Did I make a mistake by walking or should I have taken it for $100?!
I'd have walked too, if you want one that much any problem frames would be a dissapointment.
Better stuff will be around the corner.
Canti posts are only brazed on, so it's a much more straightforward repair than a cracked frame weld. It would have taken your outlay beyond $125 though!
Last time I had canti post's added it was about £20, but it was a loooong time ago! :lol:

More worrying to me would be what kind of abuse may have caused it to happen - maybe nothing, but maybe...