Dekerf Mountain 95-96ish (Gone)


That's a bummer to say the least.
Probably accounts for the crap description and why the seller needed so many sheds...
Did the origina lowner say what else was stolen?
Did you at least get a decent ride out of it?

Wow that's a bit of a shocker, but as you have said, great for the shop owner who has had the bike for all that time.

Plus, if they are lucky, it will have passed through few enough pairs of hands for the Police to trace the original scum that raided the shop.

Fingers crossed you get a refund.
Re: Re:

suburbanreuben":13xtap8j said:
That's a bummer to say the least.
Probably accounts for the crap description and why the seller needed so many sheds...
Did the origina lowner say what else was stolen?
Did you at least get a decent ride out of it?

That did occur to me about the shed's but he actually unlocked a different one to show me the Pace and the Fisher. If I had a dodgy bike or 2 knocking about the last thing I would do is show them off. I did mention both of them to the Shop owner - but he didn't make any comment on them.

And no - no proper ride :(
Re: Re:

LDP":2i4f589x said:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: let's hope ebay comes up with your money - did you pay by PayPal?

Yes I did. But PayPal and eBay have lots to say about fakes and counterfeit refunds but surprisingly little to say about stolen goods. :shock:

I also have a feeling that the UK law (excluding any additional guarantees) says the buyer is the one whose screwed unless they take civil action of some sort.

Giving the credit card company a ring today as well as I used that through PayPal.

Jeez, what a story and sorry to hear about your loss. I can't see how EBay won't give a refund, have you contacted the seller or will you leave that to the police?
The police contacted the seller but asked me to wait on the dispute until after they had spoke to him - just in case he was dodgy.
Arrrgg! Just checked with my Credit Card company. PayPal's insistence on referring to both Debit and Credit cards as credit cards has bitten me on my ass. It came off my debit card. My own fault I should have checked the numbers more carefully - but Im so annoyed with myself right now :evil:
Re: Re:

raidan73":2aks6zv1 said:
If the chap you bought it from is genuine then the sad thing is that someone is going to lose out.

Just spoke to the police again. They do indeed think he is genuine - the bad news for me is that Im pretty sure Im down to Ebay/Paypal as my last and only resort :(

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