Decoding Marin frame numbers.

There are 3 distinct sets of marin frame numbers between 1986 and 2004

So. ( dates stated are purely to identify the groups not an exact cut off).

1st Group A ....These are 10 characters long. Consisting of 1 letter followed by 9 numbers. ( roughly pre 91)

Example M885540375

M = factory of origin
88 = year of construction

Rest of the number seems to have no relevance to anything and i assume its marins code for batch etc. There is no consistent indication of model, month or date so far

So the above bike is a Marvel built 1988 bike.

2nd Group B..... These are 9 characters long. Consisting of 1 letter, followed by 2 numbers, followed by 2 letters, followed by 4 numbers. (Roughly 91 to 93)

Example M21BE0069

M = factory of origin
2 = Model code
1 = year of construction

The rest is marins code and i can find no relevance or pattern to show anything else.

In this era, with 2 letters the hierarchy is...

1 = team marin 2 = pine mountain 3 = eldridge grade 4=bear valley etc.

So the above bike is a Marvel built, pine mountain, from 1991.......No sizing in this code.

3rd Group C. These are 9 characters long. Consisting of 1 letter, followed by 2 numbers, followed by 3 letters, followed by 3 numbers. ( roughly 93 on)

Example F13DAC016

F = factory of origin
1= model code
3 = year of construction
C = frame size

In this era the, with 3 letters the hierarchy is....

1 = team issue 2 = team marin 3= pine mountain 4= Eldridge etc.

So the above example is a Fairly built, team issue, 1993, size 17"

The sizing code as far as i can work out is ...a=14 b= 15.5 c= 17 d= 19 e=20.5

Things to remember.....

1.Titanium frames are not included in this system.

2.Early monostay team issues carry their own numbering system, normally starting TET.....

3.There are a few team issues with 2 letters at the start of the frame number.....its not many, but my theory is marin did this to NOT upset their numbering system.....this was done uptill the point the code changed to the " group c" system (when team issues got the " 1" as a model denominator). Marin could not give it a "1" in the "group b" system as this spot was taken by the team model.

4.This system relates, i believe, to steel frames only. I did not look at alloy frames, but it seems they carry a slightly different numbering system.

The original post in 2008, didn't take into account the change in the number of letters, which is key, although several posters did point out the change in lineup would effect the model number.

The system above seems to resolve many of the issues encountered on the original 2008 posts.

Imo, the serial number is much more indicative of the model rather than the physical attributes of the frame, as marin did have a habit of having differing model specs dependant on world territory. So looking at a catalogue from the uk, could lead to mistakes if the bike came from america or japan for instance.

I have not found any real evidence of frame an frame stamped with an identifying number of an Eldridge, having factory decals of a bear valley on it.....i believe, imho, this belief has sprung from misinterpretation of the model numbers and the fact that some groups of frames are basically the same.

Like i said i hope this helps.
Thanks for putting this together. I just picked up a Marin at a used bike store, I think it is an 88 Palisades, based on the info you posted (thanks again) but there is only 5 digits with mine - the letter A, followed by 4 numbers. What do you think? Would love your opinion. I picked it up to be my gravel/sand camping bike - my touring bike can’t get wide enough tires on it for off-road camping.


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Thats a nice rare beast.
Throughout the whole marin code system, the first 5 characters are the most significant, in any case.
The rest appear to reflect info around colour scheme, production details or Wednesday's lotto numbers.
Enjoy your bike!
Just when you thought it might be safe to go back into the water...... heres an update, now ive been able to collect more numbers from the pre 91 group A, something has shown up that's interesting.

Since i started collection numbers there have been instances in this group, where the model year is slightly adrift by a year to the date. I put this down to production runs, being prior to the launch date or new models coming in mid year dependant on region of frames may be dated a the year before of after in some instances. Its certainly true that marins year end was spring in the uk bitd with new models launched around that time.

However, now i have more numbers ( they are considerably harder to find than the latter ones) there are definitely 2 groups of numbers within that first section. There are some 9 character (one letter 8 numbers) and some 10 character (one letter 9 numbers).

The 9 character use the first number as the date, ie M81234565 is a Marvel built frame from 1988 (the first number 8 being 1988.

This differs from the 10 character numbers, where the first 2 digits appear to be the date, ie M908734567 is a Marvel built frame from 1990 ( the first two numbers ie 90 being 1990.

I assume this was done at the turn of 1990, as the old system would have started to repeat in 1996....had they not completely changed the system a year later!

I will update the thread at the top.
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Just when you thought it might be safe to go back into the water...... heres an update, now ive been able to collect more numbers from the pre 91 group A, something has shown up that's interesting.

Since i started collection numbers there have been instances in this group, where the model year is slightly adrift by a year to the date. I put this down to production runs, being prior to the launch date or new models coming in mid year dependant on region of frames may be dated a the year before of after in some instances. Its certainly true that marins year end was spring in the uk bitd with new models launched around that time.

However, now i have more numbers ( they are considerably harder to find than the latter ones) there are definitely 2 groups of numbers within that first section. There are some 9 character (one letter 8 numbers) and some 10 character (one letter 9 numbers).

The 9 character use the first number as the date, ie M81234565 is a Marvel built frame from 1988 (the first number 8 being 1988.

This differs from the 10 character numbers, where the first 2 digits appear to be the date, ie M908734567 is a Marvel built frame from 1990 ( the first two numbers ie 90 being 1990.

I assume this was done at the turn of 1990, as the old system would have started to repeat in 1996....had they now completely changed the system a year later!

I will update the thread at the top.
Great work!
Just grabbed this bike, IFT seems 1995.
Disassembled it today and this is the frame number; FK5HAE004 which supports captaincowellys' numbers partially.

I also found that original thread some time back and re-visited a few weeks back.Kudos for adding to it👍.I'm sure it can be a bit mind boggling.I've a feeling that there are going to be some patterns,but a lot of exceptions.A complete,definitive guide may be a mythical beast.Just checked the '94,'95 and '96 IFT frames I have;
'94 - FJ4 CA0063 2 zeros,not an 'o'.
'95 - FK5 BAD033
'96 - FK6 IAD127 That's an 'i' after the 6.
All 19" so unless they changed the letter designation for sizing in '95,A is the only letter that links them.Seems they added a letter anyway.
Same with model.Safe to assume they're all Fairly made bikes,correct years,the '95 and '96 show similarities,but no model numbers.
I don't unfortunately have the frame number from my original '94 FT,foolishly chucked out all the original receipt/manuals etc a few years before I joined here😫.But I bought it new in June '94,came with a '95 box-stay frame,everything else was '94 spec.Guess they sold a few more '94's than expected,to run out that early.🤷‍♂️
Can't remember the other thread I spotted recently,was regarding frame numbers for another manufacturer,Ti frames from memory.It seemed that at that factory,new sequences were just 'made up' for some runs,following no pattern whatsoever.Verified by one of the employees who was there.
I guess,from their point of view,as long as each has a unique number,and is recorded,that's all they need.
Wonder if the extra 'D' is associated with the box-stays?🤔📦

It also has the A in the second but it's a 20,5" - 52 C-C and 56 C-T Which makes it a 20.5"
FK5 would suggest 1996 model, but it has the 1995 colours.

Marin fire trail 1995.webp

No, in the 2 letter system, as far as i can work out, there is no size. If you had 3 letters then the last of the 3 would be the size. So your frame with 2 letters has no size. The LA means nothing as far as i can work out.

As for Indian fire trail, i think the aluminium frames have their own system....but i did not look at this.

It is a little complicated, and my explanation may be poor, for which I apologise.

Ive edited the original post to hopefully explain these points. Thanks for the heads up that it my jot be clear to readers.

Not sure how much this helps in deciphering this Marinetta's Stone.
Just thought I'd put it down.
Why would FK 5 make it a 1996? ... It would make it a clear 1995. And also you can tell a 1995 by a 1996 very easily by decals on the top tube. If they are still there.
The alluminium frames are a completely different i said in post 1. A system I know absolutely nothing about!