Theres 2 versions of rock stars. 1st is the 750g version used on the top few models.
Then there is the plain rockstars which were double butted.
They are slightly different in shape just below the crown....narrower.
The weight difference is actually minimal. 100g odd at this size.
Also, the 750g forks were only 750g at 15" frame size
. So a typical bit of marketing bull!
The forks come up on here and on ebay fairly regularly, normal ones go for around £20 and rockstars for probably £30 ish.....unless the seller has no idea then £ my past pair!
The advantage of a medium frame is that there are 2 sizes above to nick forks from. Cut them down and ask any good bike shop to thread them....£10 at micks...
The a to c is standard 395, so for a riders bike pretty much any steel fork will fit or a 60/80mm old school suspension fork ...aka pace etc.
Then there is the plain rockstars which were double butted.
They are slightly different in shape just below the crown....narrower.
The weight difference is actually minimal. 100g odd at this size.
Also, the 750g forks were only 750g at 15" frame size

The forks come up on here and on ebay fairly regularly, normal ones go for around £20 and rockstars for probably £30 ish.....unless the seller has no idea then £ my past pair!
The advantage of a medium frame is that there are 2 sizes above to nick forks from. Cut them down and ask any good bike shop to thread them....£10 at micks...
The a to c is standard 395, so for a riders bike pretty much any steel fork will fit or a 60/80mm old school suspension fork ...aka pace etc.