I've never felt more comfortable and safe than when cycling french roads... Paris and Nantes I was amazed at how set up for cyclists it was.
I did a little refresh of the road laws re cyclists before the last peddle about in France and it seems the common sense of heirachy has been ingrained for a long time....shocked that on most roads a cyclist has the right to go through red lights.....at their risk if course. Such common sense....helps keeps snarled up traffic and cyclists away from each other .....gonna take a long long time here to reach that point...
Conversely, when I was in Norfolk about 6 years ago I was horrified at the state of affairs - the only place I felt safe was on the minor road patchwork of little lanes. Back in the mid 90s I was living in Paris and cycled a lot in the city - no bike lanes - no cycling infrastructure - but oddly felt safe amongst the madness, all I had to do was occupy the the space of a car to be seen and keep up with the flow of traffic. Even as a pedestrian, the zebra crossings are more like a suggestion to an average Parisian so each motorist needs to be on the ball. I'm a firm believer that if road craft and road culture is developed, we actually don't need a lot of this bullshit infrastructure to separate road users.
EDIT: By law in France, a bike needs to have a bell - otherwise it's a hefty 11€ fine

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