Covid-19 & Cycling - Living with it - Wide Discussion

I am largely antisocial at the best of times. Yesterday I spent four hours alone in my shed with a guitar turned up to eleven.

I like empty shops, empty footpaths and empty chip shops.

Dog is getting walked.


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I never liked many people before Covid, I like even less now, it certainly brings out the worst in some people.

Sometimes I even annoy myself.

Luckily I work on my own all day!!

I'm one of the 'lucky' ones in being fortunate to be on full pay whilst being at home due to this situation. I used to be a 'people person', not so much now. I like my own space and company. My health issues don't help either but i'm not complaining. Being single with no kids is a blessing judging by the raised voices and arguing going on in neighbours back gardens.

On a different note: I'm super-envious of THM's piccie..Bliss.

Agree. Feel for those with kids in this situation. Schools here in France about 30% capacity with social distancing for kids keeping two meters apart. Not funny really.

On the cycling front, went out for a ride just to local the newsagent 12km away. Felt good for once to go out without any justifications, paper certificates, ID cards, etc.

The local massive charity shop just re-opened and I went to scan the old knackered bike department but nothing of any note. 80% of people with face masks. Dawned on me that in Europe, even in the sticks, got to accept the new norms to go out - still staying clear of shopping centers etc. which are a pain in the arse anyway.

Thinking in these times it's best to donate bike parts to charity than to take for peanuts.

All notions of going back to UK to visit siblings are scrapped now; 4 weeks in quarantine would drive me around the bend.
The History Man":2t80djlk said:
I am largely antisocial at the best of times. Yesterday I spent four hours alone in my shed with a guitar turned up to eleven.

I like empty shops, empty footpaths and empty chip shops.

Dog is getting walked.

Fantastic scenery, last time saw that view in person there were no windfarms

mind you it has been 30 years since i moved away from Cleveland as it was called then!
The History Man":3aua0bdt said:
I am largely antisocial at the best of times. Yesterday I spent four hours alone in my shed with a guitar turned up to eleven.

I like empty shops, empty footpaths and empty chip shops.

Dog is getting walked.

Your guitar amp maxes out at Eleven !!
Im dead jealous mine maxes at Ten
Nice vista you have there ....
The History Man":16nhk7kk said:
I am largely antisocial at the best of times. Yesterday I spent four hours alone in my shed with a guitar turned up to eleven.

I like empty shops, empty footpaths and empty chip shops.

Dog is getting walked.

Your guitar amp maxes out at Eleven !!
Im dead jealous mine maxes at Ten
Nice vista you have there ....

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