Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

Yeah, just 3. Not difficult for somebody who knows what they're doing. And also not too difficult if they don't as long as they're able to follow the logic of the spoke pattern (heads on the correct sides of the flange for the spoke direction and laced properly). If the spokes are replaced one at a time and the wheel is roughly trued each time then it won't go too far out and final truing won't be a big job.
This is getting a bit involved now to be honest.

Spoke breakages usually did / do happen on the rear freewheel side. I think I would buy 5 spokes, or possibly take a different approach and consider cannibalising from the other 27 x 1 1/4 wheelset (assuming same length spokes). At one time any LBS would have a good supply of many spoke sizes costing peanuts, but I'm doubting if that is the case today especially for these older wheels with a larger diameter.

SJS Cycles or Ebay or here; there are a few wheel builders here who may have something to help too.
Cheers @Woz managed to take one typical spoke out to measure, from the inner arch to the end of thread measuring 305mm. Didn't seem too hard to remove and replace the spoke. So I'll try find a supplier with right size order some spares and give it a go, I've got nothing to lose really.

On the plus side managed to seemingly get rid of the noise on the bearings with a bit of finite adjustments to the cones (taking l/w cone off completely and starting from there)
Sounds good :)

Most of the other spokes look OK, but a couple extra doesn't hurt. They appear to be double butted; you will need to measure the spoke gauge too.

I had to re-lace an entire drive side once where there was visible evidence the chain got wedged between the largest sprocket and spokes - made a right mess. Looked like the previous owner thought he could pedal his way out of it to free the chain :(
I have bought spokes from Malcolm at the Cycle Clinic. Very helpful chap
Could you kindly provide a link to the correct cycle clinic website? Then I can have a look a see what I can get ☺️.

Regarding the potential need to add a spacer the to f/w side axle due to the locking nut being recessed slightly into the freewheel. I did a quick measure of the approximate size of spacer I'd need, seems like I'd only need about 5mm. Wondered whether just doubling up on locking nuts could potentially resolve the spacing issue? Or if there is a reason that would be a no no.

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