Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

I might have to re-strip the hubs just in case I missed something glaringly obvious. And try again.
Did you fill the hub with enough grease? So you could stick the bearings in place without them dropping out? Very strange sounds like you did exactly what you should. Might be worth another look. Don't undo the cones on the f/w when set. Or measure the amount of spindle showing first.
If you do the cones up too tight does it still make the noise?
When I tested some tightening, at one point it just stopped the hub altogether. Unless is there a chance the cone could not be truly centred and it's being tightened off centre? Meaning it's biting against the top of the bearings.

I'll have to do some extra fiddling tomorrow and make a record of all the trial and errors.
When I tested some tightening, at one point it just stopped the hub altogether. Unless is there a chance the cone could not be truly centred and it's being tightened off centre? Meaning it's biting against the top of the bearings.

I'll have to do some extra fiddling tomorrow and make a record of all the trial and errors.
Cones, races and balls don't wear evenly. So it is possible there's discrepancy. Try to adjust it so the cones bind but the wheel still turns and see if that stops the noise. Is the spindle bent? Roll it on a flat surface to see.