Category X-Orange Formula.

Re: Category X-Orange

Cheshire1980:1w39698f said:
Carl, going on that recommendation I just might invest the funds to get my Donohue formula done. Feel I owe it. Still that Yates of yours is the pinnacle of orangey goodness!

Seriously they are that good.

not that i feel the condition of yours warrants refinishing like this one did. This model has always been a bit of a bug bear for me, the story of the start of the company and whys and where fors, the Overburys reaction to the launch of the company, the whole thing left its mark on me. Not helped by the fact Tushingham were only up the road.

And i apologize to everyone for going on about it here for the last ten years... :oops: TUSHINGHAM WORKS REPLICA.JPG
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Re: Category X-Orange

Don’t think you need to make any apologies. My knowledge on it was somewhat limited, so being enlightened on the very beginnings of Orange and any info surrounding it, I find very interesting. As for the Donohue, I agree it needs little change, but the paintwork/colour/graphics is just not quite right, which is a shame, but ultimately I feel it’s a job worth doing.
Re: Category X-Orange

Cheshire1980":eyy96yut said:
Don’t think you need to make any apologies. My knowledge on it was somewhat limited, so being enlightened on the very beginnings of Orange and any info surrounding it, I find very interesting. As for the Donohue, I agree it needs little change, but the paintwork/colour/graphics is just not quite right, which is a shame, but ultimately I feel it’s a job worth doing.

A good measure for detail is Brocklanders, hes like a mind of information with Orange bikes, and if there is a mistake to be made, i can assure you i have made it, especially with Oranges, ive used pearl paint on the wrong year frames, ive used std colours with pearl clear coat, and even the age old mistake of clear coat over the decals, when the original finish wasnt like that, all in an attempt to get it as good a finish as was possible, and in the hope that the neon orange didnt fade over time.

Truth be told, the Formulas are now so rare, i vowed if one ever did come my way, i would do my best to be as accurate to the original finish as humanly possible. And with Help from Lester, Micheal, Roy, Mark and Gary, this is as close to the original finish as we could get.

Im certainly thankful for all the help, input, advice and hardwork and effort from everyone involved. On my own i would have ballsed it up. :oops:

:oops: You put me to shame Carl! I do remember the debate we had about your Clockwork way back when though! :LOL:

For what it's worth Calum's would benefit from the decals like yours but from memory it's not as easy as just replacing them due to the decals being lacquered over. Wonder if Argos could refresh them without a full repaint?
Re: Re:

brocklanders023":3aq4k3cn said:
:oops: You put me to shame Carl! I do remember the debate we had about your Clockwork way back when though! :LOL:

For what it's worth Calum's would benefit from the decals like yours but from memory it's not as easy as just replacing them due to the decals being lacquered over. Wonder if Argos could refresh them without a full repaint?

No mate, you are a good teacher, and you can only teach from knowledge. It was a very long time ago, but your teachings were not forgot..! And for that im thankful.. :cool:
Re: Category X-Orange

Yes agree Ed (Brocklanders) is a fantastic source of info and top bloke. Have bought many bikes off him, and have messaged each other if anything orange related crops up. Anyway Brocklanders has told me your the person to speak to, to ensure I do it right, so if you have any advice I would be very happy and grateful for, such as decal design, position etc..
Re: Category X-Orange

Cheshire1980":nl2kk10y said:
Yes agree Ed (Brocklanders) is a fantastic source of info and top bloke. Have bought many bikes off him, and have messaged each other if anything orange related crops up. Anyway Brocklanders has told me your the person to speak to, to ensure I do it right, so if you have any advice I would be very happy and grateful for, such as decal design, position etc..

If you are going to do it, the original images are your best bet, you have everything you need right there, but i would ride the balls off it first, its far too cool not too...!
Re: Category X-Orange

Sound advice, have ridden it a few times, but should use it far more. Original images, that being from MBUK May 91 with Graham Longstaff. Thats the only pics I have as reference to the formula. Weirdly a year or two back I had Mr longstaff message me about the Formula. Also around the same time I had quite a long Facebook messager conversation with Kevin Sabiston, in regards to the formula, which was great!
Re: Category X-Orange

Cheshire1980":273nz7t1 said:
Sound advice, have ridden it a few times, but should use it far more. Original images, that being from MBUK May 91 with Graham Longstaff. Thats the only pics I have as reference to the formula. Weirdly a year or two back I had Mr longstaff message me about the Formula. Also around the same time I had quite a long Facebook messager conversation with Kevin Sabiston, in regards to the formula, which was great!

Mate you gotta love it when the guys who rode them back in the day show an interest, it must have felt like being on the inner circle. If you have the scan of the 91 MBUK it would be a great post..? I know its been posted but photbucket has blurred all the pics posted i think, i may have it somewhere if you cant find it.

Is the one you have bought from Adrian, if so, i think all the details are still in the original thread with some great pictures too.
Re: Category X-Orange

Yes quite a shock with Kevin, still rides a lot. And certainly had fond memories of the Orange days!
Yes I have the mag at home, so can scan some pictures up. No probs.
And yes purchased off Adrian.
Anyway can’t wait to see yours complete.

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