ok, so Orange, it sucks but alot of us love them, shows us all your Oranges over the years!

Some bikes I still own now, and somehave now gone to great homes.. yes the Dynamo is the same one Jimo as you have now 👍


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Yes Jimo..I previously owned the Dynamo you have now.. don’t own one now unfortunately. Just have my Aluminium 0 1992 in the Matt grey, and my Orange/white fade Prestige 1991. Still I bought another Aluminium O 91 frame off Ed (Brocklanders), in the orange/white fade, as a 2024 project.
I've been riding a modern Orange since 2004 and at that point I still had my original Clockwork so never been without one since 1992! Back in my single days, when Retrobike was young I spent all my time searching out old bits of fruit so there's no chance I'll remember all the Retrobike era ones but my initial list is:

Main bikes-
1989 Clockwork.
2004 Evo 4.
2006 5.
2007 Clockwork x 3.
2010 5.
2014 5 29.
2016 Segment.
2016 RX9.
2016 P7.
2020 Stage 5.

Retro bikes-
1988,89,90,91,92,93,94 Clockwork's x lots and in pretty much every colour they ever did (except possibly solid orange?)
1989,90,91,92,93 Prestige.
1990,91,92,93 Aluminium O, although never actually built one in to a rider!
1991,92 Aluminium Elite x loads. Similar to the O, have not finished building many.
1993 Vitamin T. Lovely and mint, a real regret.
1994,95 C16. not had too many but a very early and mint 94 was a beaut.
1994,95,96 P7. Never really floated my boat.
198x,9x Formula road bike. Never confirmed the age.
1997,98,99 Clockwork, probably one of each at some point.
No doubt some I've missed too.....

I will have to dig out some more pictures but here are some for now.

Photo 04-05-2023, 14 38 51.webp Photo 06-01-2024, 12 05 24.webp Photo 07-03-2023, 12 10 40.webp Photo 07-06-2022, 11 53 47.webp Photo 14-07-2022, 12 48 38.webp Photo 22-10-2022, 15 17 08.webp
Will have to grab some pics, but current stable is:

1998 P7 (brit kit singlespeed)
199X Clockwork (absolute bitsa turbo bike)
2014 RX9 (stock, for now muah-ha-ha)
2019 P7 (stock)
As a teenager, the early Clockworks were my dream bikes. They were out of my budget but they seemed to be the best value lightweight XC bike on the market. I remember going to the Malverns in 90 & 91 and orange and white Clockworks (and Prestiges), with riders in the distinctive black and orange polkadot jerseys seemed to be everywhere.

Anyway, until 2020/ 21, although always having a soft spot for the brand, I hadn't owned an Orange of any kind... Until I spotted an advert for a 1992 Aluminium Elite frame that ClockworkDavo was selling.

I built that bike up and raced it at the Malverns in 2021 in the retro race and I've been hooked ever since... Currently the stable includes the following.

89/ 90 Clockwork in all orange
92 Clockwork
92 Aluminium O (spare frame at the moment)
92 Aluminium Elite 17"
92 Aluminium Elite 19"
98 E4 (recently purchased from Adrian Timmis).

I haven't owned a Prestige yet and I would love a 92 purple and orange Clockwork as that was my favourite colour scheme bitd (I've seen the one for sale but unfortunately it's a case of right bike, wrong time ☹️)
tempImage9xDnNm.jpg Welsh XC Orange Clockwork S-1.JPEG tempImageZjb6oF.jpg tempImagerrHGEk.jpg tempImage2VhaAF.jpg
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