Carlton Frame - Please help identify

Hi, clearly this one has had a hard life!

I looked at this and initially though it to be much later... mid 70s or thereabouts. But the chainwheel and grease nipple on the underside of the BB shell point to earlier. The Crespera lugs appeared around 67 and the frame has a W prefix which helps. The number went all to cock from 68-72 when higher end machines had a letter prefix. So this to me dates the frame to 67-68, possibly 69... As for the model, thats got me racking my brains, thought it may be a very early Corsa, the mauve paint suggested this to me, but the forks aren't right. Its not a high end machine so I suspect Tru Wel tubing. Im thinking initially looking at catalogues from around the 67-69 period, maybe a Course des Primes... or Corsa Strada/Competition... most probably the latter as the forks are right.



Both though have Crisper lugs, CP brakes etc...
Damn you're good

I had looked at the Strada but then just got a bit overwhelmed with the timeline.

It has certainly had a life! It had a covering of thick gold paint which I carefully removed only to reveal fluro orange. I think it was raving in the 90's.

OK I'll respray to original and bring it back from the brink. Not the best frame but I don't see this model come up much so would be a terrible shame to let go.

Great work - thanks so much
Look forward to seeing more! Carlton Cycles can be really difficult to pin down since they always produced machines that were easily easy to identify or some which defy logic. Bear in mind they still produced one off machines and also commercial builds with customer driven specifics...
I don't think I have come across a custom build yet but it's only a matter of time.

I should probably start posting updates on the restorations. There are several on the go!