Can we just agree on what NOS means please!

What happens if the parts are never assembled in the factory, but just sit in the box, along with the frameset, unbuilt, for a couple of decades - only to be built by me, 30 years later? Cos I have one of those.
it was NOS to you. it isn't to the person you sell it on to once it's built.
Yup, and we can talk ourselves into missing the relevance.
A NOS part might be technically unmolested, but it’s scratched to fck through years of disrespect.
An unused take-off might’ve been touched by a spanner once but there’s absolutely no impact whatsoever.
Notion vs Reality

it's all words, it makes no difference at all, but people like to chase a dream, so yer, let em. all I can say is NOS doesn't matter in my world.
Oh it all sounded so simple didn't it....😉
no. :P
you through a live can of worms in to a vultures nest and thought it would be simple? these are people who spend years waiting for one part to finish a build to come available, who's bikes sit on stands for display only, never to be ridden, they aren't building a bike, they are building an ornament to sit in a shrine and be admired forever. whilst it isn't my way, I have to admire them for it. But you have to acknowledge that these folks are going to be pedents, it's their very nature, to pick to the smallest detail, to unravel the thread until all that is left is a NOS bobbin.

you brought this on yourself and I have no sympathy for you.
Used bobbin. It’s had thread on it.

And those metaphors are well used or NOS in that passage?
WW1 poetry, Merchant of Venice, Blood Brothers and Macbeth today so this is light relief.

All my bikes are riders.

And NOS.
But there is a serious side.....if people don't pay attention to the photos and take a good look at what they are buying.....or if the photos are poor quality, the term NOS added to a listing, kinda has an implication of it being just that in my expecting nos to turn up at my door.....or at least to see a bit of nos in the photos!

Yes, I know all things are buyer beware, but not everybody is quite as savvy.

Just thought it was important, especially for those who might not actually understand what the acronym actually means as a seller or buyer.

As so many have said, it seems to get bolted on to sales pitches just to add value!

As for the minute semantics, well, thats up to you guys.....i just wanted to clear it up at base level....hence the first post.