Can we just agree on what NOS means please!

I have to say I don't get that. I've bought nos stuff which came in the box and all and I just saw it as posh used stuff, I know that may be wrong but I'm too thick to grasp the concept of NOS. If I buy a smartphone from a guy on eBay and he just cracked open the seal and held it, it'd be used to me
Now question is if he cracked the seal and touched it but cleaned it immaculate would it be nos, I don't even know what words mean anymore.
Think the moral of this is take a good look before you press the "buy it now button", especially if your eyesights not what it was due to libation on a sunday eve.

Im glad to say ive not had a bad experience buying on here, but imho, second hand on the internet is basically like the wild west.....steady hand, eagle eye and a fast gun.

I think the use of NOS just highlights that.
For NOS read ' mug sale only, discerning buyers need not apply'.

(This thread now has almost as much mileage on it as a NOS DBR Axis TT... almost)
I bought a NOS frame from a long-established seller on here. It clearly wasn't NOS when i got it. He admitted as much but got quite shirty about it and made me feel like i was nit-picking.

Another, seemingly respected, seller on here is too fond of the sharpie to hide scratches. I won't buy from him again.

I don't get it. I am brutally honest about the condition of things i sell (here and everywhere else) - seems to me that anything else is liable to cause disappointment/problems/stress along the line.

Human nature i suppose - always a few chancers preying on the unwary.
Not that I'm in the market for NOS, but if it ain't in the sealed packet/box - it's not NOS. It might be mint or very good condition - but the onus is on the seller to demonstrate it is actually NOS rather than claim it is.
Nope, it’s a new unused wheel built with NOS parts.

Obviously I’m being deliberately provoking as it’s all a little silly in my eyes.

I’ve a full bike which hasn’t been used but I don’t refer to it as nos. It’s un-ridden.

Is a skewer NOS if inserted in a hub if that hub didn’t come from the factory with it inserted ……

It’s all down to interpretation