BoTM January 2009 - Nominations Please

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RikiRiki":eyiphq00 said:
Puff!!!! Your yeti have my vote.

My YO could be best in home :LOL:

I think we're all going to need our own little 'Bike of my Shed/Garage/Bedroom' competition this month!

I really thought the Sinnet/Timmis Dyna-Tech would walk away with 2009's first BOTM. But then that lovely Stumpy stepped up - brave! A competition! Then the Yo! BoTM over! Then the bloody Top Gun Attitude - frig me! And I really don't think too much about Kleins in general. BOTM opened up again! And then...
I'm so glad I kept my powder dry by holding back the PACE for another month- imagine six months of hard graft and frustration just to be trampled underfoot by that Yeti!

Just 7 days into 2009 and BoTY is settled.

I thought this was going to be a tough month the Dyna-Tech, Stumpy and the Top Gun. I also thought DrS would have had his PACE entered. But that C-26 has to be the winner for me. (I dreamed about it last night and that’s just not right) :oops:
I'd like to enter my Custom Raleigh Aero Pro Burner please.


I'm very interested to see how the voting goes this month...

This is absolutely a one horse race, but can even the hardest-nosed of fanboys be persuaded away from brand loyalty (assuming that it isn't already for Yeti)?
Wow, now I was so on for that Raleigh for bringing back so many memories but that C-26 is an absolute blow away!


Can we have a exemption to the usual 'bike can only be entered once' this month as there are some real worthy BOTMs in here that may not get a look in with that beautiful C-26. The effort involved in the Timmis bike or the Specialized are worth of a re-entry into the next months vote surely - maybe the 2nd placed bike gets to go into the next months vote (of course I am assuming that the Yeti might win)?
pete_mcc":2af20v92 said:
Wow, now I was so on for that Raleigh for bringing back so many memories but that C-26 is an absolute blow away!


Can we have a exemption to the usual 'bike can only be entered once' this month as there are some real worthy BOTMs in here that may not get a look in with that beautiful C-26. The effort involved in the Timmis bike or the Specialized are worth of a re-entry into the next months vote surely - maybe the 2nd placed bike gets to go into the next months vote (of course I am assuming that the Yeti might win)?

If that Yeti does not win I will shave off my hair, paint myself orange, stick a flower up my ass and run down the high street singing ' Fishcakes are here to stay' I bet it gets over 70% of the vote.

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