Bontrager Race OR

Thanks Phil, there's a couple of tiny things I'd like to sort, O-ring missing off the front skewer and the rear one's cracked, replacements are incoming and the barrel adjusters in the brake levers don't match which I'll sort in at some point, although I'll want the proper XT ones so probably means another set of shifters or at least brake levers.
Also would like a Salsa roller stem, if I ever see one in the same dimensions as this one for a not too ridiculous price, but that's just an aesthetic thing it doesn't really bother me too much if it never happens.
Other than that I'm extremely happy with it, it's a beautiful bike both to ride and stare at!
Thanks Matt.
That's a good price, compared to most that you see anyway!
Unfortunately at 150mm it's far too long for me 🙁