Bikes and... wait for it, wait for it, Churches!

But in England the clash between the church and king (Henry:cool: led to much being smashed up, and Cromwell had most decorations (particularly depicting humans or cryprohumans) vandalised, redolent of the Bamiyan Buddhas.
Ideologues and theocrats are dangerous people in power.
(That's not politics, promise😉)

Yes, but the dissolution of the monasteries has left us with some very picturesque ruins 😆.
It occurred to me that I actually have a fairly remarkable church just down the road from me in Sheffield. In this case the word 'picturesque' does not really apply, in fact I imagine most people would think it's decidedly ugly. It's certainly different and the most brutalist church I think I've ever seen. It looks like the result of a thought experiment where the architect was wondering just how much they can make a church look like a giant concrete bunker. If so, I'd say they succeeded.



I couldn't quite get the whole front of the church into a photo because that would involve crossing a busy main road and leaving my bike on the other side, but I think you get the idea. It also reminds me of a Soviet monument (although with a cross on, of course – though interestingly apparently that wasn't even there when it was built in 1971, it was added later).
Teeny Weeny thorn xtc I've just picked up in St Weonards.

A very cold day.

St weonard himself, a hermit and woodcutter, is rumoured to be buried in a golden coffin under the tump at the gate!

I expect we'll hybridise it. Bar ends shifters aren't popular in the city centre🙄
Bitd i worked in a saracen dealership....mines not a knights one, its just old! Most Knights are easily recognised by the 'k' cantilever bridge. Mine was a bought in frame, then finished in house at saracen by Brian and his family, just prior to the company being sold and going mainstream around 85.
I don't think ours are Knights either as they have the same headbadge as yours but i have to say yours looks well sorted and that a 5 speed sturmey rear wheel