Bikes and... wait for it, wait for it, Churches!

Some incredible pictures here folks, not being of the faithful of any religion I much prefer the rural/ country churches that were build and maintained by a struggling faithful who gave and still give what they can rather than the overly ornate and lavish decoration of the city churches built and maintained by deep pockets..
For me the beauty of that thousand year old simple church non-fixie posted was second to none and if I believed in a god Im pretty sure he could be found in a building like that.
Lots of lovely old and newer bikes and trikes on show folks, thanks for sharing with us
I adore craftsmanship. In general, from bakers to stonemasons. Churches, along with castles and fortresses, are the buildings where you can see what the craftsmen were really capable of back then. That impresses me every time.
I adore craftsmanship. In general, from bakers to stonemasons. Churches, along with castles and fortresses, are the buildings where you can see what the craftsmen were really capable of back then. That impresses me every time.
Regardless of my opinions regarding organized religion, that's where the money was back then. They were financing the majority of fine art and architecture, and the structures were always built to be imposing. In rural Ontario, the catholic church always tried to build on the highest hill in town. That way, regardless of the size of the spire, you were always looking up to the church. Psychological warfare
Regardless of my opinions regarding organized religion, that's where the money was back then. They were financing the majority of fine art and architecture, and the structures were always built to be imposing. In rural Ontario, the catholic church always tried to build on the highest hill in town. That way, regardless of the size of the spire, you were always looking up to the church. Psychological warfare
Budapest and Györ in Hungary had a clash between the church and the King about who has more might wich resulted in huge buildings on both sides...
Budapest and Györ in Hungary had a clash between the church and the King about who has more might wich resulted in huge buildings on both sides...

But in England the clash between the church and king (Henry8) led to much being smashed up, and Cromwell had most decorations (particularly depicting humans or cryprohumans) vandalised, redolent of the Bamiyan Buddhas.
Ideologues and theocrats are dangerous people in power.
(That's not politics, promise😉)