Bike Helmets

boxxer":vjc4na8o said:
Sorry if you dont wear a Helmet off road you are a fool and deserve to end up a cabbage

your concern is touching :LOL:
tintin40":16czni7r said:
This subject has been done to death so many times by the helmet Mafia trying to bully people in to wearing one. You don't see the non helmet riders telling people not to wear.
Live and let live. We have freedom here to choose. So Mr helmet f**k off telling me to wear a helmet when out on a ride.

Best of the Internets.
The skinny-wheeled ones over there are having their own debate as well ➡️

I never used to wear one BITD (no-one did round ours..) but my Jungle Jim accompanies me all the time on my bike now.

Although whether a twenty year old helmet is still durable enough in the case of a hefty crash... I'll, er, have to let you know... *gulps*

Also the most broken bone by a cyclist is the collar bone. Yet i don't see much body armour being worn.
tintin40":71vuglz9 said:
Also the most broken bone by a cyclist is the collar bone. Yet i don't see much body armour being worn.
Because most of it is under their jerseys ;)

Well for DH/freeride riders anyway...

Besides a broken collar bone is less likely to cause as much major damage as a head trauma

As for helmet choices...

It's a free world, you can make your own choices. But for any ride I organise I will state in the ride thread no helmet = no ride


Because I, nor anyone else would want to see brains splattered all over the trails if an accident did occur.

An accident is just that, an unpredictable event, so no matter how good a rider you think you are you just never know what may happen

As for Retrobike sanctioned rides it's all part of the public liability insurance I believe

PS this is not a dig at you personally TinTin, it's just my opinion about anyone who makes a choice about wearing or not wearing a helmet
Andy B":3ypwz11c said:
PS this is not a dig at you personally TinTin, it's just my opinion about anyone who makes a choice about wearing or not wearing a helmet

None taken :D But if i see you out i may tell you to be a 'man' and take off your helmet in John Wayne style :LOL:
tintin40":90mshss8 said:
Andy R":90mshss8 said:
technodup":90mshss8 said:
Andy R":90mshss8 said:
technodup":90mshss8 said:
I'd never buy a helmet, I've always got better things to spend money on. Plus I'm clearly more skilled than most as I can't remember the last time I came off a bike. ;)

A trail god, no doubt :roll:.
Selling me a bit short there, all round god would be more accurate. :)

And here, walking among us mere mortals :shock:


falling off a mtb is a fact of life. it happens some times.

This subject has been done to death so many times by the helmet Mafia trying to bully people in to wearing one. You don't see the non helmet riders telling people not to wear.
Live and let live. We have freedom here to choose. So Mr helmet f**k off telling me to wear a helmet when out on a ride.

hear hear.
tintin40":2huyc2ng said:
But if i see you out i may tell you to be a 'man' and take off your helmet in John Wayne style :LOL:

You are hilarious!

Group rides it is, in my opinion, selfish to ride without a helmet - I know Id be very annoyed if I missed last orders cos some numpty had to be air-lifted off the trail.
Hmmm, thinks... :roll:

Had my first bicycle and three years of age; had my first 'proper' bike aged nine from a LBS opposite my Nan's in Mill Road in Cambridge - can remember my Mum teaching me to ride it running along holding the saddle, turning to look and seeing her back at the far end of the park... :LOL:

Rode to and from school every day for three years (First Year on the School Bus, Fifth on my Fizzie...), doing a paper round seven days a week for three years - happy days... :D

We didn't even HAVE helmets then, and would have been laughed out of sight if we had! :shock:

Of coure I fell off occasionally, but I never hit my head - even when playing 'follow the leader' around 'Seven Sisters' on Mousehold Heath in Norwich.

Now though I wear one all the time... :oops:
Never wore a helmet for years and years and inevitably had the occasional crash - some worse than others. Then a year and a half ago, don't ask me why, I got one and almost at once it felt natural to be wearing it. That I'm a convert to wearing helmets is purely my decision and I wouldn't dream of criticising anyone who chooses - as I did for years - not to wear one.