Bike Helmets

totti":2x3lqlge said:
also BITD could you actually enter a race without a helmet??

Well, if 1988 was BITD then no, not an officially sanctioned mountain bike race.
feetabix":1pkgf3lg said:
I split one in half against a tree on Cannock chase once......I'm just glad I was wearing it!.......I had a stinking headache for days after but it could have been so much worse, I just don't think it's worth the risk!.....
explains a lot that dose :LOL:
I had an off at about 10 mph on my way to work. Head hit the road but as I was wearing a helmet, no harm done. When I got to work and took it off I noticed it had cracked right through. Imagine if the force of such a small off could do that to a £90 giro what it could do to your skull. Not worth the risk in my opinion.
Probably tempting fate but never wear one. Apart from the odd bit of BMX
racing many many years ago.

I have been cycling 35 years plus and never had any sort
of bike related accident where a helmet would be any good. Tho I have lots scars everywhere else so it's not like I'm not trying !

Always thought bike helmets were only any good it you landed on the top of your head (in which case you'd break your neck first). What happens
if you fall flat on your face/chin ?

Having said that now I have a little-un who I am making were a helmet so
I'm about to give in to stop the 'but you aren't wearing one argument'.

I am expecting some kind of freak injury that leaves me a vegetable the
first time out wearing one !!! :x
I always wear mine and it feels normal.

Two of my friends have had off's in the last couple of years, both resulting in a split helmet. Better the lid then your melon.
I think they help in a special set of circumstances. I think they are essential for off road riding but on road riding you are far less likely to hit the top of your head on the ground. In general in a road accident your head doesnot the ground but there are some circumstances in which this could happen. In such a serious road accident where you end up flying head long into something at speed will the helmet really help or are you screwed anyway?

I still wear one on the road anyway and always off road (the helmet has saved me a couple of times).
When mine got smashed it was an off rather like "dropping" a motorcycle. The impact hit the side of the helmet breaking it and then scraped along the floor. I hate to think what would have happened if it was my head. My shoulder, elbow, hip and knee were bad enough.

I've had a quick look at the current specialized warranty and they do the 50% replacement policy as well so something else to take into account when choosing a lid.
The side of the skull is the weakest part and a fall from standing onto the side of your head is sufficient to sustain a permanent brain injury or in rare cases death. It only takes one knock to the head to acquire a permanent brain injury and while we can’t prevent all types of accidents we can certainly minimise their impact.

Anyone with a brain should be able to understand that wearing a helmet while riding makes sense :cool:
To be honest I was expecting a sudden injury because I had started wearing a helmet. Still wearing today, will just have to embrace it. The same as wearing glasses/goggles, which came about when i was charging down a hill a a bit of mud the size of a golfball hit my right eye, closing it and making the other water so much I could barely see.