Old School Hero
Hello chaps,
I was hoping someone might be able to throw some light on this bike's identity. I've just been given it by an elderly family friend who has hung up his cycle clips for the last time, due to having just had a triple bypass. Up until about 10 years ago he was doing over 8,000 miles a year on it.
He emailed me a little while ago saying that he wanted to give me his 'old Claud Butler' but it turns out he has completely forgotten that the CB had been chopped in for this bike some time ago. All the better for me
Anyway, it's been very well used in its time: I doubt any parts except the Weinmann brake calipers are original. There's a Shimano Sora rear mech, Campag front, Shimano twist-grips (apparently the drops were substituted for straights very early on).
The numbers stamped in the bottom bracket are:
Anyone know the significance of this?
Annoyingly, the frame has a Refurbished 531 sticker on it so I guess Mercian have had it back sometime in its life, I was hoping that it was a Competition on instead but I guess you can't have everything ;-)
Here are a few pictures:
I was hoping someone might be able to throw some light on this bike's identity. I've just been given it by an elderly family friend who has hung up his cycle clips for the last time, due to having just had a triple bypass. Up until about 10 years ago he was doing over 8,000 miles a year on it.
He emailed me a little while ago saying that he wanted to give me his 'old Claud Butler' but it turns out he has completely forgotten that the CB had been chopped in for this bike some time ago. All the better for me

Anyway, it's been very well used in its time: I doubt any parts except the Weinmann brake calipers are original. There's a Shimano Sora rear mech, Campag front, Shimano twist-grips (apparently the drops were substituted for straights very early on).
The numbers stamped in the bottom bracket are:
Anyone know the significance of this?
Annoyingly, the frame has a Refurbished 531 sticker on it so I guess Mercian have had it back sometime in its life, I was hoping that it was a Competition on instead but I guess you can't have everything ;-)
Here are a few pictures: