Bar ends yay or nay?

I remember when my daughter was younger, but no less sarcastic, she asked why I called it "mountain biking" because there are no mountains where we live. She suggested "tree biking" cuz I kept running into them. Depending on the time of year, "swamp biking" might have worked. Either way, I only rode bar ends because everybody else did. In reality, all they did was hang on vegetation and threaten to puncture my liver every time I ran into the aforementioned trees.

Inner bar ends (there's an oxymoron for ya ... for Pete's sake, make up your mind) is a thing now, wifey is running them on both of her bikes and loves em. SQL makes a glorious system. Me, I just quit doing flat bars altogether. Jones opened up a whole new alternative reality, and I haven't looked back. I do keep a couple on hand, in the same box as my selle italia saddles, as props for photography ... but for riding? Oh please
Just mount them inboard either side of the stem on risers for attacking the climb, its surprising what you can conquer when you're able to stretch out.