bad reputation

Russell":1xpefm8d said:
Easy_Rider":1xpefm8d said:
Ride my nobly tyred mtb I get obviously blanked;
Ride my slick tyred rigid mtb and I get a much greater ratio of greetings to blanks.

You reckon that at a closing speed of probably close to 50mph, approaching riders bother to asses the type of tyre you're using before they decide whether to say "Hi!" or not?.

I think you know what I was suggesting, it's quite clear if a bike approaching you is an MTB or not. The skinny tyres of a slick tyre and thin forks from a rigid are obvious too, it is to me anyway being quite nosey about what others are riding. I'm not having a pop, I just find it amusing. Of course there are roadies who purposefully blank some riders, and of course there are those who are just grumpy and blank all riders and they could be on any form of bike, to get that resolute blank is funny. I started riding on road bikes and still have a soft spot for them, I take the vitus out occasionally too.
While we're on the subject of being seen, What's with the roadie habit of wearing black? Around here, at least half of all roadies are dressed head to toe in black, whatever the time of day or year. Since just about all the lanes around here are tunnels through the woods, they're bleedin' impossible to see. :roll:
suburbanreuben":ocslw10g said:
While we're on the subject of being seen, What's with the roadie habit of wearing black? Around here, at least half of all roadies are dressed head to toe in black, whatever the time of day or year. Since just about all the lanes around here are tunnels through the woods, they're bleedin' impossible to see. :roll:

Not guilty - my club strip is predominantly white (whether it will stay nice and white after a season's worth of cross racing is another matter). They're probably copying the fashion of a lot of pro squads (Sky, Rapha-Condor, etc.) wearing a largely black strip these days.

The wheel builders i visit is out on one of the roadie routes so i get to meet loads.
I've found them to be 99% the same as MTBers :cool: Neither good nor bad,but i suppose there are arseholes all over the sport. :?
theres one in every office and village {idiot} :roll: be honest always get a nod from traffic lights a bit of banter usual chat"good ride out, how many miles, many more to go.. etc etc"

Just the other night i was with a colleague who also bikes home..we got to a roundabout with traffic thing 4 roadies around me..usual banter ..i said :LOL: :LOL: ""f*ck me lads thought i was going to get mugged"" :LOL: :LOL: ..had a little chat..lights change on our way.

Ernie ;)
I ride both road and mtb; road bike speeds are generally a lot higher, and my body is usually working harder than when on the mtb. Mtb is often more leisurely. The road bike has 20mm slicks and the roads are better suited to 2" knobblies. Then of course there's the odd lunatic (with little or no spatial awareness) hurtling around in several tonnes of hard metal who are usually blissfully unaware of how fast a road bike can go.

(Got collared by a white van man a wee while ago, thought he was going to give me the verbals - he was complimenting my speed coming down off Peep O' Day - 50mph)

Forgive me if I sometimes don't let on when on my roadbike - I may not have noticed you as I am concentrating on staying alive.

But then some beggars are just plain rude regardless of what they are riding.