
fiendish feet":1wxvefft said:
shogun":1wxvefft said:
fiendish feet":1wxvefft said:
Un Agenda 21 / 30
Event 201
Bill Gates id2020 ...

If you have a spare ten hours , most folk do
Check out
Europa the last battle ...
Its hidden on Bitchute .....

It's 2020, you can just say Jews.
The old face plant emojo
Yes its 2020well observed , well as most folk get there whole worldview and reality perception from the main stream media outlets , Calling out the small hats
If you didnt know , is a hate crime in most countries
And libel to have me languishing in the Gulag ...
I have a good reason to dig into the past as a relation of Air Marshall ,Bomber Harris , who with bomber command as you well know , fire stormed German cities where high numbets of woman and children murdered on orders from Churchill and the 5th column and the whole RAF demonized for the brutal action their after ...
fiendish feet":3nnu4bh4 said:
The old face plant mojo
Yes its 2020well observed , well as most folk get there whole worldview and reality perception from the main stream media outlets , Calling out the small hats
If you didnt know , is a hate crime in most countries
And libel to have me languishing in the Gulag ...
I have a good reason to dig into the past as a relation of Air Marshall ,Bomber Harris , who with bomber command as you well know , fire stormed German cities where high numbets of woman and children murdered on orders from Churchill and the 5 column and the whole RAF demonized for the brutal action their after ...

The culture warriors won. You can just rave on about political correctness if anyone censures you for scapegoating Jews. But at least be intellectually honest about it. Just about every load of old cobblers' in the thread, be it Agenda 21 skepticism, 'End Games', Geoengineering conspiracies, that rather far-fetched, holocaust denying 'documentary', David Icke being 'censored', practically every conspiracy theory is coded scapegoating of Jews at the core, and the genesis of all these ridiculous things is always anti-semites. It's alarmingly common across the vast bulk of circulating contrarian rubbish.

When the ravers say 'elites', they mean Jews. When they say bankers, they mean Jews. Deep State, Jews. It's just Jews all the way down for them; when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail I guess. Just like in the prewar propaganda, they position Jews as the enemy, both hidden and cosmopolitan, both cowed by weakness and impossibly strong, irresistible and repulsive, profligate and jealously possessive. Utterly ridiculous.
shogun":1nznt21z said:
fiendish feet":1nznt21z said:
The old face plant mojo
Yes its 2020well observed , well as most folk get there whole worldview and reality perception from the main stream media outlets , Calling out the small hats
If you didnt know , is a hate crime in most countries
And libel to have me languishing in the Gulag ...
I have a good reason to dig into the past as a relation of Air Marshall ,Bomber Harris , who with bomber command as you well know , fire stormed German cities where high numbets of woman and children murdered on orders from Churchill and the 5 column and the whole RAF demonized for the brutal action their after ...

The culture warriors won. You can just rave on about political correctness if anyone censures you for scapegoating Jews. But at least be intellectually honest about it. Just about every load of old cobblers' in the thread, be it Agenda 21 skepticism, 'End Games', Geoengineering conspiracies, that rather far-fetched, holocaust denying 'documentary', David Icke being 'censored', practically every conspiracy theory is coded scapegoating of Jews at the core, and the genesis of all these ridiculous things is always anti-semites. It's alarmingly common across the vast bulk of circulating contrarian rubbish.

When the ravers say 'elites', they mean Jews. When they say bankers, they mean Jews. Deep State, Jews. It's just Jews all the way down for them; when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail I guess. Just like in the prewar propaganda, they position Jews as the enemy, both hidden and cosmopolitan, both cowed by weakness and impossibly strong, irresistible and repulsive, profligate and jealously possessive. Utterly ridiculous.

Enjoy your house arrest
Even now your to blind to see a global elite flexing on a wide world scale
The world economy is being crashed right now ...
The end of physical cash and free movement of people
Digital and social credit scores
Forced vaccinations and id biometric tagged population
so is this is the world you would like for your children ?
Because their grandchildren will still be paying for it ....
fiendish feet":6igarjce said: is this is the world you would like for your children ?
Because their grandchildren will still be paying for it ....

Shogun's grandkids will probably ask, why did we all sit by and do nothing.
dazdc5":166k0u7o said:
fiendish feet":166k0u7o said: is this is the world you would like for your children ?
Because their grandchildren will still be paying for it ....

Shogun's grandkids will probably ask, why did we all sit by and do nothing.

I don't think my grandkids would be castigating me for not engaging in thinly veiled antisemitic slacktivism.
shogun":37f3edb0 said:
dazdc5":37f3edb0 said:
fiendish feet":37f3edb0 said: is this is the world you would like for your children ?
Because their grandchildren will still be paying for it ....

Shogun's grandkids will probably ask, why did we all sit by and do nothing.

I don't think my grandkids would be castigating me for not engaging in thinly veiled antisemitic slacktivism.

And you call yourself a teacher !!!
So your just indoctrinated !! your job is authoritarian teaching of doctrines or lessons
Wherein the student is expected to accept the doctrine or lesson merely because of the supposed " authority" of the teacher by way of repetition ....
Your happy to indoctrinate 'kids' with cultural Marxism
Educate yourself instead
Watch some Yuri Bezmenov his talks are avalible on You tube
But you won't will you
Like you didnt watch ten hours of Europa the last battle .....
Re: Re:

dazdc5":3snxitcu said:
Shogun's a teacher? Well that explains a lot these days :facepalm: ;)
Indeed :D
I heard the British Army psy-ops unit 77th Brigade
Is falling short of recruits .... Wonder why :LOL: :LOL:
Cultural Marxism!
Where do I collect my cheque from Soros?

Any other conservative commentariat talking points you want to regurgitate?

There is being critical, and there is being credulous. You would do well to learn the difference.